Chapter 35 Part 1: Endgames

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Verushka's nose twitched. There was an odd and unfamiliar smell infiltrating her nostrils, despite being curiously comfortable. She shifted between the silken rose scented sheets and her eyes snapped open. She wasn't in the pantry, she wasn't even in her own bed, although to be perfectly accurate the bed in the Wyvernstone Hall was more hers than any other bed had ever been.

Mid-morning light pressed persistently against the heavy linen curtains that shrouded her chamber and the distinctive titters of female voices crept under her door before the lock flicked. She knew that servants often entered the rooms of the family they served in order to clean, prepare or serve but it felt invasive with the shoe so firmly on the other foot. Verushka pulled the floral perfumed blankets over her head to avoid the inquisitive gazes of her ex-compatriots.

"Do you think ---- she --- awake?" muffled words penetrated her warm cave of bedding.

"--- better---. It's --- ------ that we ----- work," another unsatisfied voice answered the first.

Verushka was contemplating whether to simply wake up and face the metaphorical music of another day or continue to hide sequestered by yards of silk, when the decision was abruptly taken from her. A large human shaped lump cannon balled into her side while another individual with the strength of ten men pulled the sheets from her grasp.

"Hey!" Verushka yelled, grabbing wildly for the blankets before she stared up into Mina's unsatisfied face.

"You. Spill. Now," Mina announced sternly not willing to relinquish her method of torture.

"Give it 'ere, Mina," Liara pulled on the duvet from her side of the bed where she was making a pleasant nest for herself. "Is this how the other half live?" she asked turning to Verushka as she nuzzled the expensive material.

Ver rubbed the sleep from her weary eyes while Mina flung open the curtains with a decisive tug and let the light stream in unhindered. "Ugh, what time is it?" she asked reluctantly.

"Time for you to get up!" Mina threw a well-aimed pillow at her friend's head, which Liara seized and used for herself.

"It's half eleven, Ver," Liara answered as she snuggled further into the bed making contented noises much like a cat with cream.

"What?!" Verushka sat up sharply to swing her legs over the bed and launch into action.

Mina caught her wrist easily and pulled her back to sit on the bed with them. "Wait just a cotton picking minute there, missy. What about last night?"

Ver scratched at the evening's ringlets now crimped and tangling her hair with the chaos of sleep. "What about last night?"

"Are you mad? Don't think you are going to get away without telling us what happened! We barely slept after dinner duty and then we had to be up waaay before dawn to prepare for all the activities today, all while the precious princess has been in bed!" Mina lectured with a touch more annoyance than usual.

"I'm not a 'precious princess'," Ver huffed.

"Not with that attitude, you won't be," Liara advised before propping herself up on one elbow. "Aint nothin' wrong with a little aspiration. Now, why don't you tell us all the juicy details about last night?"

Verushka frowned. "Weren't you guys there? I'm sure I saw Mina peeking through the porch, where did you go?"

Mina's cheeks deepened into a scarlet flush. "Never you mind, now tell us everything," she flustered. Seeing that her hesitation had peaked the interest of her friends she quickly turned to the side table and produced a tray laden with breakfast pastries and a pot of steaming tea. "And, here, we brought food!"

Persuasion in the Pantry [Maid for More #1]Where stories live. Discover now