Chapter 17: Crimson Meetings

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The dust puffed up into the air like dark and angry clouds, rhythmically undulating with the beat of Liara's weary arm. She stopped for a moment to scowl at the mountain of pillows and cushions waiting for her to clean and blew a stray tendril of hair from her face before continuing. The Duchess has decreed that every room in the thirty-eight  chambered town house was to be made ready for use in the upcoming season. Liara doubted that the duchess would entirely populate the place but one could never be too careful with a son on the marriage mart. Cain had seemed like a nice sort of fellow but his mother was a crafty woman and despite all his planning it seemed almost certain he would make a match by autumn.

Her eyes tracked the specks of dust hovering in the air and her mind drifted to the events of the prior afternoon...

She had entered the Crimson Guild with no small amount of trepidation but as she moved through its softly lit halls and inhaled deeply of sandalwood and cinnamon, her body relaxed as if it knew that it was home. Beautiful women floated across the chambers with satin scarves dancing on the breeze. Both laughter and solemnity found a place in the shadowed corners between the plush cushions and gilded walls papered with silk.


Mistress Veronique glided into one of the upper rooms, a large chamber with sprawling damask lounges bathed in afternoon glow. The great bay windows overlooked the fashionable district of Mayfair. It was a far cry from the brothels of Southwark that called temptingly across the Thames to the working and middle class. Veronique skirted the enormous ornate desk that drew the eye to its place of power and poured a small glass of sherry from a crystal decanter before taking a seat in the luxurious chaise. Liara hovered in the doorway, afraid to mar the exquisite room with her presence despite the Mistress's inviting smile.


"Please sit, Liara." She motioned to the opposite chair.


Liara chewed at her lip for a moment then moved to the seat indicated.


"Are you comfortable?" Veronique began with a seemingly innocuous question.


Liara's wide eyed wonder was no doubt evident but she nodded regardless and remained silently perched on the precious upholstery.


"As you know I am not simply an actress, but a courtesan as well. Some actresses may also be mistresses, but I am a Mistress with a capital M," she smiled with a certain decadence.

" I have brought you here because I believe that we can help each other," Veronique continued. "I am in need of fresh blood and I have no doubt that I could also be of some assistance to you. You are not terribly young Liara but you have exceptional promise. I can see it in the way that you walk, talk, sit, stand." She eyed Liara wryly before continuing, "Well, perhaps not right this minute. Now you appear stiff as a stick insect. But, when relaxed a woman possesses a certain air about her that cannot be taught or bought or sold." She paused between each inference to enhance her inflection.


" I can teach you to speak with multi-lingual fluency while charming a Prince between fencing and lessons on political history, but you have a natural joie de vivre. N'est pas?"

Liara frowned. She had the distinct feeling that she was drowning in a sea of polite conversation and metaphoric dissertation. "I don't think that I understand exactly what you are asking. Are you offering me a job?"

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