Chapter 37 Part 3- Promotion

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Cain locked the door to his father's study behind him and paced distractedly down the corridor. He had responded to the bell pull, assuming a late cup of tea and a game of chess was in order, however what had greeted him instead was a sight he was not likely to forget.

He had purposely avoided the Wyvernstone gathering and his announcement of a yet to be determined betrothed, in the hope of delaying the event. His unsatisfactory croquet match with Verushka had left him feeling more discontent rather than less and he knew that distance was probably the best thing for them. But, the very woman he was so desperate to avoid was right there in front of him, like a beautiful Amazon she had crept into his home only to strike at the sensitive underbelly of his abode. Every time he tried to push her away, they collided instead. He was almost done fighting the urge to take her into his arms and be done with uproar of the world.

No. He stopped and shook the vivid image from his head. That would not do. Duty and honour would not be ignored. Unfortunately he could not give Verushka his hand in marriage but he could at least soothe her pain. He could make certain that she knew how much the short month they had spent together had meant to him, and that going forth his heart would always remain in her grasp. Yes, he exhaled with a sense of righteous resolution and his feet quickened to where he instinctively knew she would be waiting.

Cain pushed open the door to the expansive kitchens and rounded on the pantry, which was once again warm with heat despite the deserted tables and chairs. Treading softly over the amber brickwork he eyed Verushka seated on several cushions, wedged into the corner with a heavy tome, metaphorically licking her wounds.

"So, you come here often?" he leaned against the archway, feigning nonchalance.

Verushka's eyes snapped up abruptly. "Oh, it's you." The tension from her shoulders eased a little and she returned her gaze to the book on her lap.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he inquired congenially, taking a seat next to her on the warm pantry floor.

Verushka remained silent but exhaled a measured breath.

"Are you not talking to me now?" Cain nudged her gently with his elbow.

Verushka drew her finger along the edge and flicked the page over without having read a word. "Ouch!" she exclaimed and seized the tip of her index finger now blooming with fresh blood.

"Here, let me see that." Cain offered firmly.

Before Verushka could withdraw the oozing tip to the safety of her mouth he had pulled her hand into his, inspecting the laceration for phantom splinters before pressing the fresh white linen of his handkerchief to her flesh.

"Ow," Verushka hissed at the pressure.

Cain met her eyes and held her gaze with a powerful intensity. "I'm sorry," he whispered in the quiet space.

"For what?" Verushka's bark still carried the bite of indignation.

Cain leaned in closer softening his voice. "For everything."

"Then why did you do it?" Verushka demanded "Why do you continue to act in a way that you then have to apologise for?" She pulled her hand back into her own lap.

"I don't know." Cain shook his head plagued by the implications of her question. "No, I suppose I do know. I constantly find myself in situations where what I want to do and what I am supposed to do are in direct conflict."

Verushka looked up at him through coy lashes. "Well what do you want to do? Shouldn't you do what makes you happy?"

Cain smiled wistfully. "Life is not always that easy, my dear. Are you happy with the life you are currently leading, pretending to be the ward of a Duke?"

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