Chapter 4: On the street where you live

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Chapter 4

Mina was not pleased. They had been lugging vegetables, wine, flour and eggs back and forth for the past three hours and had not had a bite to eat for themselves since sneaking out of the kitchen.

"Verushka, stop for God's sake."

Verushka halted from dragging three dead chickens in a sack behind her. She hoped Madam Shiela didn't notice the dirt, but she honestly couldn't lift her arms. "What?" she called back impatiently.

"We have to stop... I'm begging here." Mina pleaded as she fell in the dirt.

Dust from the road puffed up in little clouds to thinly coat all the girls. Liara settled herself down next to Mina and uncorked the wine cask she was carrying in order to take a none too discreet swig.

Verushka rolled her eyes and succumbed to the sweet bliss of rest. "Come on girls," she said as she propped her head on one hand. "I'd like nothing better than to curl up behind the bread oven... it's warm steam and sweet swell wafting through the air," she smiled losing herself in the fantasy, "but, we have work to do and as soon as we get it done the quicker we get to hide from Madam Shiela and go back to enjoying our day."

Her friends seated on the side of the road did not look convinced as they partook of their share of the noble family's evening meal.

"Look," Verushka coaxed, "If we finish all of our chores Mina, you can go out and climb the apple tree that's just bloomed and Liara you can find out all the gossip about the young duke, which I know you've been aching to do."

Liara raised an eyebrow, "and what will you be doing Verushka dear...," Liara shared a knowing look with Mina and continued, "climbing into bed with the Duke again?" she finished sweetly.

Verushka scowled, after all it wasn't her fault she fell into the bed of a Rake. "I'm not interested in the Duke, Liara," she said, sitting up very straight dusting some dirt and soot off her cheeks. "He is a notorious Rake who I'm sure will sleep with the whole maid population of Bexley House before he moves into his new bachelor residence - but he will NOT seduce me!"

Liara looked at Mina with a smirk, "Does it not sound like our dearest friend is protesting too much, which most certainly means she does want the newest Duke in Britain to seduce her."

Mina scrunched up her nose and said "Why would you want a man from Britain when you can have one from England?"

Both Liara and Verushka frowned in unison, clearly perplexed.

"Umm..." Verushka finally spoke, "Sweetie, England IS in Britain."

Mina bit her lower lip. "What? I mean yes... I knew that - what I meant to say was Scotland, why have a British man when you can have a Highlander."

Verushka shook her head slightly with a disbelieving grin.

Liara took another swig from the wine cask and decided to state the obvious, "As much as it pains me to say this we don't exactly have our pick of Dukes, Rakes and Rogues whether they be English or Scottish. Here sit three eligible maids covered in road dust and our only options at present are the stable boys, the farm hands, and if we are very lucky - the upper level footmen."

All three girls sighed in unison.

"It's nice to dream though," Verushka admitted as she traced patterns in the dirt with the toe of her boot. "Could you imagine, gilded carriages, evening gowns of silk threaded with silver, brooches and bracelets of emerald and sapphire," she continued.

Mina smiled and added, "Men who open doors for you, who fetch punch for you, who fight duels and win for you..."

Liara continued, "and what about dancing in the finest London ballrooms and the secret stolen moments in the garden on a warm May eve..."

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