Secret Chapter: An Interview with Cain, Duke of Bexley

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[Welcome to the Secret Chapter. As usual this has no bearing on the plot of the story. It is just an amusing side note. If you wish to, just skip ahead to the next chapter to continue the true tale.]  

It is a day of scorching Australian heat as I sit here in front of a blasting air-con

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It is a day of scorching Australian heat as I sit here in front of a blasting air-con. Perhaps it is not the best time to invite an English gentleman to tea, but here it goes.....

Cain paces my lounge room in a well pressed suit with cravat slightly open at the neck.

"Cain." I grab his attention and he turns to me a bit startled.

I smile, "Do you know who I am?" I am not expecting him to recognise his own author but as ice breakers go, it's not that bad.

He tilts his head to the side and questions incredulously- "Liara?"

I have to admit that I did base a lot of the three main characters on people I know. Liara happens to be very similar to me so I roll with it.

"Yes, in a manner of speaking." I respond laughing under my breath before gesturing him to the Victorian style red settee, perhaps it will make him feel more at home. "Won't you sit?"

He frowns a little at my brightly, if haphazardly, decorated Christmas tree before reclining on the couch with practiced ease.

"Cain, I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you about Verushka." I begin.

He smiles like he has a secret; the corner of his lips turn up just a fraction. "What about her? She's your friend."

I'm surprised he hasn't asked me about the oddity of stepping into a time so clearly not his own but is content to discuss his maid. I take a deep breath before continuing, "Well, the thing is Cain - that I am quite certain that you and Verushka are soulmates."

I watch his eyebrows rise.

"In all honesty, I am from a time long after you have lived and I am an author who is writing about your relationship and life with her, as well as your friends Jay and Marco."

His eyes squint just a fraction as he reveals elements of the great political figure I know him to be beneath the mask of a dandy. "Why?" he questions me untrustingly.

I drain the last remnants of tea from my giant Harry Potter mug and move to sit next to him on the couch. "I'll be honest, it started as a way to pass the time but now I almost think that I was meant to write it. It's as if I'm writing the past lives of the people I know. I know it sounds strange... trust me, I think it's strange as well."

He doesn't appear entirely impressed with my answer. Maybe he thinks I'm crazy too but he lets it slide and instead meanders through my home inspecting trinkets and photo frames. He finds a picture of my cousin who was the spark of creation for the character of Verushka. I have a feeling that I know what's coming as he turns to look at me over his shoulder.

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