Chapter 3: Old Friends

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The chaos of the kitchen did little to dull Verushka’s nerves and when Liara found her she was wedged between a sack of barley and a cask of wine rocking herself back and forth.

“Verushka!” Liara exclaimed.“What in all of Christendom are you doing? Didn't you hear about the banquet this evenin’? You should be at the markets buying provisions!”

It was at that moment that Mina came flying down the hallway, as she was want to do, screeching in her own melodious tones. Mina smacked straight into Liara’s back who then propelled forward to land on the floor just short of the wine cask.

“Verushka! You will never guess what I heard,” Mina said breathlessly, ignoring Liara’s splayed form on the floor. “Janice, the upstairs maid told Mary the pastry chef that she saw a beautiful Italian lady leaving Lord Bexley's chamber late last night, and early this mornin’ there was a terrible mess. I can’t begin to imagine what they got up to. Did you hear anything?” Mina asked as she finally paused to draw breath.

“Hey! Can’t you see something's wrong with Verushka?” Liara cut Mina off and pointed to the wide eyed girl in the corner.

“What?” Mina queried. “ I thought she was just having another nap before lunch.” 

Mina crouched down and laid a gentle but unwashed hand on Verushka and asked, “What's wrong sweety? Did Cook yell at you again?”

Verushka’s grey eyes, round like saucers, blinked once before she replied reluctantly, “I did something,” she paused again to pick breakfast meat out of her hair. “I think... Lord Bexley... might tell Cook I did something.....naughty.” She stuttered. 

“Oh, that's right,” Mina caught on, “You went to give him his breakfast. What on earth could be so very bad?” Mina may have been the best tree climber of all the servants, but was perhaps a little naive at heart.

Liara began to laugh as she sprawled more comfortably on the floor. “Wow, never thought you had it in you. Good work Verushka! I'm so proud– now tell us all about it.”

“No!” Verushka almost shouted, “It wasn’t like that. I made a mess and dropped his breakfast. And he was sleeping, but then he got up and I saw him... well... naked.” Verushka finished.

Liara’s head shot up so fast Mina was shocked it was still attached to her body. “What? Oh- my-goodness! Tell me ALL about it. What did he look like? Was he gorgeous? Did he smell like sin? What did he feel like?”Liara bombarded her with questions as she crawled over to grasp Verushka’s skirts like she was preparing for the world’s best bedtime story.

Verushka’s brow furrowed, “He looked, well to be honest, just utterly handsome, so yes to the second question; I don’t even think that’s a scent to the third, and I have no idea to the fourth!" 

“How did you go so near such an incredible Rake and not touch it?!” Liara asked genuinely shocked.

“Oh please, maybe because she at least is not an English harlot.” Mina said rolling her eyes.

Verushka rose from her corner with as much grace as possible for one who had spent the better part of a quarter hour squeezed into a pantry crevice. “And he is not an IT! Lord Bexley is a nobleman and the Master of this household so Liara you need to not, I repeat NOT run to feed the gossip mill more grist.”

Liara laid back sensuously against a flour sack. “Dear Verushka, that was not the ‘it’ I was referring to,” she said with a smile equally as seductive as her inference.

Realisation was just dawning in Verushka’s eyes when all three girls heard Madam Shiela’s bellow from the kitchen, “Where are those girls?! And why haven’t I got the provisions for Afternoon tea and Supper yet?”

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