-The Field-

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Chapter 2

Harvey lies still on his back, somewhere unknown. His eyes flutter open as he sees the day light of a sun shining down on him. Harvey takes in a few breathes as he sits himself up off the ground. He finally breathes in a good breath of air as it nearly brings him to tears. The clean, pure air is too real to be a dream; his imagination isn’t this good. A rush of exhaustion quickly passes his body as Harvey slowly begins to rub his eyes to gather himself. His blurred vision makes out people walking in the distance by some trees. Harvey looks around him and notices he’s in a field of people; people lying still with their eyes shut as if they’re comfortably sleeping. He looks to his left and sees his sister lying beside him. Tears form in Harvey’s eyes as he looks further down to notice Alicia also laying still. Harvey tries to speak.

“Dad… Mom…” His voice is weak but still there. Harvey begins to scope around as he hopes to see his parents close by. He sees the few people waking up near him stager and crawl for the shade as he quickly remembers why. Harvey looks up at the sun and tries to stand his weak body but immediately falls to his knees and hands.

(Where am I?)

The grass Harvey fell on is blue, all around him he sees this field is of blue grass. Harvey rips the grass with his hands and holds it up close to his face for a better look. He lets the blue grass slip between his fingers as he notices his burns on his palms are now healed scars, hardly noticeable.



Harvey faces her direction and tries to walk to Alicia’s cry as fast as his legs will allow him. Stumbling with every step he falls to his knees to land in front of her.

“I’m here! I’m right here. Can you open your eyes?” He cradles Alicia as he watches tears roll down her face.

“Don’t go, Harvey, don’t leave us!” Harvey sits her up off the blue grass to notice her dreads are longer, past her waist. Alicia slowly opens her eyes. “Harvey?”

“Alicia thank god you’re ok!” Alicia gathers herself and sheds the last of her tears with a tight hug from Harvey.

“Harvey, where are we?” They pull away from each other. “What happened?!” Alicia focuses on Harvey’s face. “Why do you have a beard?” Harvey quickly feels for his face, confused and scared he looks around to wonder what just happened as paranoia begins to set in. More people now are starting to wake. Some people lay on their sides curled up with their eyes open though not aware of life while others sit up, crying with their eye’s still closed not realizing they’ve come to.

“Harvey… Harvey!” Staring at the sky in confusion, Harvey registers his name being called to him and faces Alicia. “Where are we?” She again questions as Harvey can give her no answer.

“Can you stand?” Harvey helps Alicia on her feet as she holds tightly on his arm. Like a new born horse getting a grip on balance she takes a few steps on her own.

“Oh Harvey, it’s so beautiful, I can smell everything so clear!” Alicia takes a deep breath through her nose as Harvey helps her walk to his sister.

“Here, help me move Susie to the shade.” Harvey starts to pick up Susie when a fat man with red hair and beard grabs his arm and points to the sky above them.

Look, it’s ok.” Harvey looks up as the man repeats himself louder for others to hear. “Everyone look, it is safe now!” Staring at the sky Harvey notices that the sun is harmless. He stops to think for a second as Harvey decides to pull away from this familiar looking man that now has his arm around him with a ridiculous smile.

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