-The Names-

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 Chapter 5

(Maybe it’s the awkward silence, or maybe it’s the lack of sleep we all got. But whatever it is, walking back to Adam’s right now is not the best time to bombard him with questions. I wonder why so quiet though? I should ask him something he’d be proud to answer; to break the silence.)

Harvey faces Adam while following him back towards his home.

“You survived for so long here, and with nothing. I’m not sure I’d be able to do it.” Alicia makes eye contact with Harvey as he shrugs his shoulders at her; Alicia too tries to break the ice.

“It must have took a lot of gut instinct.” Alicia adds to the conversation. Seconds pass before Adam decides to answer with a reply.

“Well I didn’t have nothing.” Adam looks to Jenifer at his side. “Couldn’t have done it without this one.” With his arm around her neck Adam pulls Jenifer close to him as she cracks a bashful smile. “What was it again your parents would always tell us?” Adam questions Jenifer as he changes his voice to imitate that of a wealthy snob. “The key to a great life is Wealth and Power.” Adam laughs to himself. “Where’s everyone’s wealth and power now?” Jenifer looks at Adam with a smile.

“Our motto made much more sense.” Jenifer replies proudly.

“And what was that?” Questions Alicia as Adam happily answers her.

“To be thankful today, and be happy if there’s tomorrow… Oh did your parents hate me.” Jenifer nods a smile towards Adam.

“They hated anyone happier than them… well at least with less money.” She assures him.

“Oh well then they must have despised me.” They share a laugh as they get closer to where Adam’s bridge once stood.

“Ok great, Quin did good here, there’s no sign of that old bridge.” Adam begins to lead them across the river as he continues to give instructions. “Careful getting across on these rocks, they can get pretty slippery-” He tells them while looking back at Harvey with a grin. “-isn’t that right Harvey?” Harvey shakes his head at Adam’s humor though happy to see him at his old self again. Adam and Jenifer are the first to cross the river as Harvey notices them trying to speak in private.

“Have you told them of the depression yet?” Jenifer questions Adam.

“No… you think it would even matter?” Adam answers with a question.

“I think it’ll make the faze easier on them; I think you should.” Adam nods his head in agreement.

“In that case I’ll need a smoke, let’s hurry home first, then I’ll bring it up.” They both continue ahead as Harvey stares in wonder. They all get across the water safely as Harvey begins to ask his questions.

“So I have a few questions to ask-”

“WAIT!” Dead in their tracks, Adam shushes everyone including Harvey as they all wait to hear something ; they hear a cry for help.

“It’s Quin!” Harvey shouts in the direction of Adam’s home as Adam quickly faces the girls behind him to give his orders.

“You girls stay here. Harvey, let’s move!” Adam and Harvey sprint forward while preparing for a possible threat as Harvey’s mind wonders in concern for Quin’s safety.

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