-Tell Me-

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Chapter 13 

Walking in the dark hours of the night, they follow the glow of their new friend as they attentively listen to their overdue explanation.

“Hereditary intelligence.” The alien tells them. “Despite what you might believe, memory is hereditarily passed down throughout your generations. It is not exactly a perceivable memory like how you would understand the meaning of the word however; inherited memory is imbedded deep in your DNA from your earliest ancestors.” The alien attempts to explain.

“So you’re saying memory is passed down the same way talent n’ junk is?” Questions Adam as Quin excitingly adds to the idea before the alien has a chance to answer.

“Hey! That can explain why some people believe in reincarnation, right?” Everyone looks at Quin a bit confused and irritated from his interruption as the alien stops from walking. The alien turns around with his not so obvious smile and stares at Quin.

“Your theory is highly acceptable, Quin. The simplest bits of hereditary memory one can recall are in fact the strongest and most important memory one subconsciously carries throughout one’s life.”

“So what’s the strongest important form of memory then?” Quin asks in astonishment to get a reaction from the alien at all. The alien blinks his eyes for the first time while making eye contact.

Death.” The alien turns around and continues to walk while explaining his answer. “Death is the most needed memory to inherit from your ancestors, to help you live longer and to learn from a beings ultimate mistake throughout each progressing generation. Though deeply suppressed, those particular time frames are believed to resurface within an extreme state of meditation; though I do not pleasantly recommend it.” The alien turns his head slightly to speak to Quin behind him as he continues moving forward. “That was a highly intelligent theory you have stumbled on, Quin; you should know that.” Susie looks at Quin with a big smile and whispers for him to hear.

See? You “are” smart.” She gives him a quiet kiss while scruffing his hair.

“So this hereditary memory is evolution.” Harvey quietly says to himself as he makes sense of this information. The alien over hears Harvey who is walking far behind the others with Alicia by his side.

“Precisely, Harvey.” He says for him to hear. “As a species prolongs their life span, they allow their offspring extended time to question and theorize with knowledge already ingested inside them. Understanding of life and purpose becomes an easier topic to ponder given an adequate life span. As your history of ignorance ages, the future of intelligence rises. All though your planet’s time was cut short, your species was in fact evolving at a promising rate. We simply could not watch your potential go extinct any longer. Against all orders, we turned a last minute plan to save humanity.

“Against whose orders, why were you rushed?” Asks Jenifer as the alien stops from walking to again grab everyone’s attention.

“Our salvage mission was picked up by the Amity.” He tells the group.

“The Amity?” Jenifer repeats as a question.

“The Amity is the closest thing to an organized union of our universe; our U.N. if you will. When our mission became compromised, they immediately put a halt to our objectives as it was too intrusive to their standards; it left our mission in secrecy and hardly fundable.” The alien looks up into the darken night sky. “We accepted a lot of help from unlicensed unoligers interested in our cause; a decision I now fear was a mistake.” He looks forward and again begins to walk as the others desperately follow. “Even now, as an unprecedented number of planets are losing life across our universe, the Amity does not allow interference. They feel only the strong with undying planets deserve to progress with the universe.”

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