Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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hi guys! hoped you liked my first chapter! wote if u like and comment !! thank!!

chapter two:

it was 7 a.m, I woke up even though I haven't slept all night, oh well..

I left my room to the bathroom "good morning" Liam scared me while brushing his teeth "oh, good morning" he looked so cute without his shirt;)

"listen jemm .. what happend last night, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I blushed and started to brush my teeth "its fine.." I said turning my eyes to him.. "but I don't.."



he chuckled and left the bathroom "oh.." he came back "me to" he winked at me and left .

OMG he isn't sorry! oh my god.. so he has.. something for me? or its just nothing and he was kidding ..

I don't know

I came to my room and was surpriesd to see Liam writing in my laptop "I hope its fine I forgot mine"

"its OK"

I walked to my bed and laid covering myself with the sheets "your going to sleep?" Liam asked gigeling "ye.." I was so tired!

"well I have a lunch date so I think ill go" "what?" I opened my eyes to him "ye she's very cute, I hope she will be the one for me, I really am old and need to satel down.

"no.." I wishpered "your not that old" I said rising from my pillow "for me yes" he got up and kissed my head "wish me luck she will be the one!"

he smiled and left the room.

"I wish I was your one.."

the next day me and dad left to his work, cuz school is now shut down so dad wanted me to work in his office for now.

"please don't ruin anything..please"

I laugh "dad don't worry I'm a pro"

"...right.." he left the office and I began to work.

"hi josh I need your..oh hi!" josh is my dad, Liam just came into the office thought I was my dad.

"hi" I smiled blushed and tried to not mantain an eye contect "so.. how are you?" "fine, thank u and u?"

"amazing! I'm now dating this girl"

Oh god no.. why make me jealous ..

"are u OK?" "ye.. so who is she??" I tried to not show my seddnes "emma, such a beautiful girl"

"bitch.." "what?" "nothing!"

he came closer and set in front of me, smiling and biting his lip "jemm

is there something you wanna say?"

"like..?" "oh I don't know.. maby that your in love with me??" he winked at me.

Oh God ! oh my god no! was I so obvious ??

"! y..your my dads best friend.. your o..old" "that's not what you said to me last time" "oh shut up.."

"its not true.." I said trying to be confident, he chuckled "fine whatever you say" "can u go? your disturbing my day now" "wow.. OK then.." he got up and left.

I can't belive him right now.. I just wanna kill him!!

few minutes later he came back

"I.. I feel something for you too"

he said not even looking at me, then he left again..

hope you liked it! sorry if it was boring !!:)

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