Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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chapter seven:

its was dark I saw behind us that someone is driving after us "what the hell.." Cameron said stopping the car, he opened the door and went out locking me inside.

after twenty minutes of trying to escape, Cameron came back "my keys fell to the ground, I havent find them" and then he started the car "but then I did!" he smiled "who was that?" I asked shocked "just an old woman who wanted me to help her with her engine" "oh.."

"Cameron..plz, let me go I..I didn't do any thing I.. I just wanna go home" I started crying "I'm sorry" he touched my check, I pushed his hand away from me "don't worry hunny.. you'll be fine" he laughed .

Cameron stopped the car and got out, taking me with him, I tried to ran but he was stronger then me "plz plz!! I beg of you let me go!" he opened the door of his house, he pushed me to the living room "stop being like that, were gonna have some fun now, relax".

the tears started to fall, my first time is gonna end by rape, I couldn't help myself but shaking "plz, let me go.. I..I even haven't done before" "oh" he acted sad but then happy "so its gonna be more fun!" he smirked at me going to my direction.

"No no no no no plz! leave me alone, don't touch me!!" he began to kiss me but I resisted him and smack him "oh, you want it rough, I'll give you rough!" he smacked me back and turn my shirt.

he had undressed me completely leaving me with my under wears "please leave me alone d..don't touch me!!" and after I knew it, something had smacked him in the head and he fell.

I screamed my soul out before I saw Liam standing with a broken lamp, well.. it wasnt broken before he hit it on Cameron's head "are you OK??" I cried running to him for a hug "OMG Jemma, you stuiped girl".

he found a blanket and put it on me "let's go" I smiled, I couldn't help my self but kiss him "thank you" I said getting in his car "so.." he started but I cutted him of "how did you knew where I was?" "I followed you after you didn't want to listen to me".

"I'm sorry" I said looking at him..god he looked so cute, and beautiful..but sad "I'm sorry too, I just.. thought that when we will get home then, I'll tell you about her, it was too soon, that's all" "your right" he smiled "I'm so happy that you saved me.. I.."

"what?" he smiled again, stopping the car "why did you stop?"

"just to say that I love much Jemma and when I saw you with him.. my heart just crashed to the ground" I kissed him "I'm so sorry I promise I'll never do that again...never!! I love you.

we arrived to the hotel "promise me you won't tell any one what happened OK?" "promise" he kissed me and we entered the hotel "sleep with me tonight" Liam said holding my hand.

"I don't know Liam.. I just.. we just.. I don't know" "hi hi.. look at me" he hold my face to face his eyes "nothing will happen if you don't want, I just want to feel you, I miss you, its been forever" "its been only two days" he smiled kissing my nose .

"like I said.. forever" I giggled bitting my lower lip "OK, but just!.. to sleep" he jumped like an five year old.

we went to his room, he gave me a shirt and pants, oh so worm! I was freezing!, I jumped to his bed and he did the same, we cuddeld up together and kissed all night.

when the morning came I opened my eyes to see my love sleeping like a baby, he looked so peaceful "I love you so much" I wishpered kissing his lips "oh im sorry did I woke you up?" he smiled "never".

someone just knocked on the door, a few times and really hard "Liam open the door please this is an emergancy!!" OMG its my dad!! I looked at Liam and we knew we were screwd "Liam open the door plz!! Jemma hasn't come home I need your help!!".

"shot" was my only word that came out of my mouth.

"coming!!" he said and looked scared.. "I'm so gonna die" I wined.

"hi man, what's wrong?" "Jemma hasn't came in the hotel since yesterday I need you to..J..Jemma??" I was behind Liam.

"what the hell are you doing in his room? what's going on here?!".

thank you for all your votes and thank you for reading!!
hope you'd like this chapter:):)
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