Just a little bit of your heart

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Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating sooo long :) , I had so many things on my mind so i forgot about my book but I promise to start updating more:) 

Chapter 16:

I ran, i ran away from his arms, i ran away from his touch, I'm disgusted, i can't see well because of the tears falling from my eyes.. ruining my make up, I see him behind me runing to my direction..

I'm yelling, trying to ran as fast as I can "please somebody help me!" I ran throght the woods, hiding against the tree "oh Jemma!! .. Jemma Jemma Jemma where are you!!? .. oh dont worry Jemm i wont hurt you i just wanna play!" I stood frozen against the tree, stoping my breath, I'm cold.. so cold, I had only a t shirt and shorts.

I pray.. I pray he would'nt find me "please" i whishpered.

I stood there.. closing my eyes, listening to the sound of quiet..

Then I felt it.. his strong hand wrapped around my neck "you thought i would'nt find you?" he whishpered gripping his hand on my neck "pl.. please" I cried "what? I can't hear you hunny mabey its because of the cold air" he laughed.

"please let me go.."

"let me tell you something my dear Jemma.. I will NEVER let you go.. you understand? youre MINE forever" he said kissing my chick.. going to my neck "forever MINE"

"OH MY GOD!" I got up from my pillow, I breathe heavily, looking around and seeing it was just a dream.. about Cameron.

I looked throught the window, the sun was shining so i got up from the bed, got into the shower washing the swet from my body.

"Harry stop it!" "I cant get my hands off of you..your so hot" I walked to the living room seeing Harry making out with some girl "please dont do it here" Harry took a glance towerds me and then back to tge girl kissing her passionate "nasty" i mumbled going to the kitchen, making my self cereals Jeff is in school and Dad is in work so its only me, Harry and that girl.

I was done with my cereal going to the living room seeing only Harry with a grin on his face, i set next to him "why are you smiling?" "im happy" "why?" i giggeld "i had an amazing night with Tarra" "how lovely".

"Are you ok?" he asked looking at me, I smiled without desire "whats wrong?" "nothing Harry its just.. i had a dream about Cameron.. a nightmare" he hugged me kissing my head "I feel him close" "what do you mean?" Harry asked "I see him close and i feel like something is going to happan soon" "stop" he got angry getting up "its done Jemm, you dont have to worry he wont come closer to you anymore.. i am here to protect you".

The conversation was interrupted by the door "hi guys!" Harry and I were shocked "what are you doing here?" she stood there with her luggage "what are you doing here Mom?" i stood infront of her, she smiled "Dad and I talked abot it .. and we decided to try our marrige.." "nice" Harry said sarcastic "Im going to my room" he said and left the living room.

"How was the funoral?" "you know.. sed" "why did you took liam with you?"

"honey.. what was between you and Liam.. over" she took her luggage and went to her room "what do you mean its over?" "over like in.. over" "I dont think so" i laughed "oh yes", I got so angry I couldnt even look at her.. so i wore my jacket and took off to see Liam.

I rang the bell waiting for him to open the door.. but he didnt answer so i rang the bell over and over, i saw the door was open so i got in. looking around "Liam??" I got to his room and saw him sleeping, he looked so cute with his messy hair and his snors just made my giggle "Liam" i whishpered and lying beside him, stroking his back "mmm?" he opened his eyes with a smile on his face, I kissed him "what was that?" "why are you asking?" "I thought i said to your mom to stop seeing me" "w..what?"

"Jemma.. stop it.. its never gonna happan, your to young for me"

"but i thought.." "thought what? that we will be happy forever and ever?"

"Liam .. why are you being so mean to me?" 

"just leave"

"No! not without an answer!" i screamed wiping my tears

"because I dont love you anymore! your just a little baby who doesnt know anything about her life!"

"Liam.. but you said you love me.." "well I changed my mind.. now leave!" 

"I love you.." "leave.. I dont wanna see you here anymore"

"but i don't understand.." "what?! I don't love you anymore!" 

"but you were my first.." "I dont care.. go cry somwere else.." 

i slapped him and ran from his house.. what happaned to him? why was he being so mean to me? what the hell did my Mom said to him! 

there must be a reason why..


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