Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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chapter 12

"where were you?" Harry asked hugging Jeff, I smiled "umm I talked to mom" "why?" he stood up from the couch "i wanted to know" "know what you idiot?" "why she lied about Jeff" "and..." "you called me an idoit.."  he laughed "so?" "im hurt you pig!" he scrached his head "fine, im sorry your an idoit" "hi!!" "ok ok im sorry" he smiled hugging me, wait.. thats not normal "you crap!!!" he bit me!! "sorry" he giggled and set back to the couch with Jeff.

**two hours before**

"why did you lie?" "i was afraid" "of what!?" i started rasing my voice" she looked down to the floor, holding herself from not crying "because.." "what..." "i didnt want to lose you hunny.." i chuckled "oh plz give me a break you were scared of loosing us or your precious money and dog!?" "what? no.. im serious i was afraid of loosing you all!" "oh plz you already lost us since you started to ignore us!!" she didnt say a word, so i just left.

**two hours later**

"good for you sis" Harry smiled and left the room leaving me and Leff alone, i set next to him hugging him and kissing his check "you ok?" "ye im fine, i just.. its so hard for me to know that, my dad is not my dad, and my dad is someone i met a few weeks ago even less.." he started crying "stop.." i hugged him tight and cried anlong "you will always be your fathers son and you will always be my brother! always! i love you" "love you too".

the next day Josh came to my house "hi, how are you??" i smiled kissing him "fine, better" "good, now get dressed!!" he yelled opening my closet "a dress will be good on you for this event" "event?" he came closer and kissed my check "ye, my parents are organizing a party and i dont want to go alone so im inviting my girlfriend" my eyes got wide open! did he just called me "g..girlfriend?" "yes" he got from his pocket a box and opnened it "wow" it was a beautiful necklace "i cant take it" "oh please" he put it on me "your beautiful" "thank you" i kissed him.

i wore a black dress and got my red hair in a pony tail and wore black heels "wow you look amazing" Josh blushed with me taking my hand "ready? the first time your gonna meet my parents" "ye.. little bit nerous" "youl be fine promise my parents are cool".

and rich!!?? "wow the palce is huge!!" OMG my boyfriend is rich "lets go" "but i am scared" "youl be fine stop worring!!" he laughed and pushed me to his parents "hi" the smiled "so your the famous Jemma !!" his dad smiled and hugged me "im Joshes father, George and this is my wife Anne" "nice to meet you" i smiled hugging his mom too "shes beautiful Josh" "thanks" he blushed and pulled me away "were gonna eat" he put his hand on my waist, i felt safe, safe being in his arms.

we went to the kitchen where there were cooks and shefs "hi" Josh said to everyone and went to open the fridge "ok lets see.." "Josh your parents need you to do smething for them" "ok coming, ill be in a sec" he kissed me and gave me a little cupcake, so i started eating it!.

when he opened the door i saw someone staring at me, i got close and the door got shut, i opened it and saw him standing there, holding some girls hand, what the hell!? how did he find me!? no way no way i got to get out of here!!.

 i ran to the shef asking him if theres a back door, he nodded and showed me the door, i ran and got out, now what you stupid girl! think always till the end !! ph god, texi! take a texi! 

i ran to the road and got my hand up "texi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but theres wasnt any texi... shot "hi" i scremed turning around "how did you find me?" "oh you know, i just woke up, saw you werent there, so i went to your hotel, asked .. and since then i am folowing you princess "please.. leave me alone go away!!!!" he ran to shut my mouth" "one more scream and ill kill you, now walk!!".

the place was near the forest, oh yay thats a good location to get raped, i couldnt stop crying, i begged him to leave me alone and to get me back to Josh "shut up princess your gonna have fun dont worry" i wanted to scream, i really wanted, i was just so shocked and so scared, i just wanna die, please god let me die.

he stopped me "you missed me beautiful?" he got closer putting his hand on my butt, i moved them smaking him "oh! you shouldnt have done that!" he smaked me and pushed me to the growned, and then i started screaming but he put his hand on my mouth "shut up!! youll enjoy it i promise" he took his hand and started to undrees me "please...Cameron stop.. i beg of you".

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