Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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chapter six: 
hope you'll like it:)

"I can't believe you didn't tell me about your daughter! I though you told me every thing, liar!"

I screamed at him and left from the hotel to the beach "god I hate him!" I kicked the sand.

"wow I didn't do anything!"

I kicked the sand by ecsidantly to some boy that looks my age, has blue eyes and brown hair.

"oh my god I am sorry" he laughed "its cool, your not from here" he said checking me out "how do you know?" "cuz no one will wear clothes to the beach, like.. every one are with swimsuit and you..aren't" "oh." I giggled.

"I just left my hotel hurry to not look at him anymore" "who?" "oh one" "you can tell me" he smiled "but I don't know you" "and I don't know you too ... so, hi! im Cameron and you?" I shook his hand with mine "Jemma".

"so tell me.. what happaned? why are you so upset?" "hi Cam are you coming??" some guys called him, he looked at them and then at me and yelled to them "I'll catch you up later" they nodded and left.

"so where were we?" I smiled, we started walking and I told him every thing "wow" was his only word that came out "I think" he started "you should not start something with him.. I think he will hurt you" I looked into his eyes.. they were so beautiful and amazing.

"I don't know" I said getting my feet in the water "cold" I giggled "I like your hair, its very.. flaming" I chuckled thanking him.

he started talking about himself "I'm here with my dad for his business , my little sister was left home with my mom.. and to tell you the truth.. my dad is cheating on my mom.. I cought him yesterday" "oh.. I'm sorry" I put my hand on his shoulder " long are you going to stay here?" "umm a week I think"

"cool! I'm here tomorrow and the next day, so.. if you want we can hang out tomorrow .. only if you want" he smiled, he was so handsome and his smile is so amazing "I'd love to" I smiled back.

"its dark, I'll walk you to your hotel" "that's very nice of you.. thanks" he took my hand and we went back to my hotel.

"were have you been??" dad asked sitting in my bed "I didn't felf good so I got.. out.. to the beach and.. walked ..that's it" "you could have told me huney I was worried" "and mom?" "you know her, she's to busy with her dog..".

"so now your here so I'm glad, good night" "good night" he kissed my head and left, then Jeff and Harry came into the room "hi" I smiled "stop smiling its making you look like a dog" Harry said "what?!" I hit him, and again. and again.

the next day I saw Liam standing next to my door, I didn't even looked at him and left him standing there, I heard him calling me but I didn't answered.

"hi" Cameron said hugging me "hi to you too" I smiled "so, your ready to have some fun?" "ummm.." I stared at him, I felt awkward "not that way" he chuckled "of course I knew that, ummm ye OK..let's, have some fun(?)" he took my hand and we left the beach to his car.

"wow your car is.. wow" it looks so fancy and beautiful ,was red like my hair "oh that's why you liked my hair" I smiled while he opened the door to me "thanks" and he ran to the passanger seat "so where are you taking me?" "we.. are going to a concert".

"wow really?! sounds great!!"

I kissed his check "thank you, I really need this so.. thank you" "of course".

I texted my dad :
I went to a concert:) don't know when I'll come but Im safe.

I hope. have fun, please don't come to late, for me.

OK daddi promise, love u.

love u 2;)

I giggled "are we close?" "umm its like an hour trip" he smiled, god his smiled was so amazing, like every time I see his smile I feel like he's getting cuter and cuter!

we talked all the time, he was so funny and so kind, I feel like it was destiny that brought us together, but I couldn't not think about Liam, I ..miss him..a little, and feel guilty for letting him stand there hopeless. 

"OK were here" he got out of the car and I after him "wow its very colorful beautiful" I smiled and took his hand "your beautiful" "thank you" he kissed my check.

it was so amazing! the music was so load I couldn't hear myself and Cameron "its getting late we should go!!" "oh OK!!" we left together to his car and drove away.

"oh god its one in the morning! my dad will kill me!" he laughed "don't worry" he turned to the wrong direction "umn what are you doing my hotel is in the other direction" "its a short cut don't worry".

but I am worried, where the hell is he taking me, oh god I should have listened my dad.

we were driving for two hours "Cameron..where are you taking me?" "to my place" WTH?! "plz take me home" I started to get scared "mabey later..or never" he looked at me and smiled "what?".

"I'm not taking you home, didn't your dad teached you not to go with strangers?" he smiled again and drove faster.

OMG he's going to kill me.

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