Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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Chapter ten:

"what are you doing??" his smile wanished, he got up and closed the box "I thought you'd be ..." "what? happy?! well no, Liam it over, it'll never work!!" he smiled and came closer to me holding my hands "it will just give us a chance" I rolled my eyes "no Liam its over, and now I'm dating some one else".

his eyes were wide open "wow.. OK, so you forgot about me that fast?" he got back and left his place to the exit door "hope you and him will be happy" he opened the door "and you know what? your right it would never happen between us" I started crying while he left the house.

I want him back, I miss him, I can't I just can't .. wait, Jemma what are you saying ?? he freaking was with your mother!! stop!! stop messing up your head Jemma, sleep it out and hope tomorrow will be better then this awful day.

the next day Josh came over, I told him about Liam and what happened when he left "you said no right?" "technically I didn't said anything just that it won't work between us and I'm dating someone else" he smiled holding my hand "I want to take you to picnic" he kissed my check and grabbed me by my whaist "OK" I giggled, giving him soft kisses on his neck.

we went to the park, Josh sat on the ground while setting everything, I sat next to him helping him "wow you made it all??" "yep, I'm kind of a king kitchen not something special just cream broola, you like cream broola?" I nodded starting eating "its amazing" "eat and then talk" he laughed.

it was amazing, the food was tasty and the whole day was just.. amazing "I really enjoyed watching you eat" I giggled "ye right I eat like a pig" "a cute pig" he pulled his hand to me pulling me to him "your beautiful, so beautiful" his eyes were amazing, green and shiny, i love it "what time is it?" he asked "umm six, why?" "oh shot i need to go to work" "oh" i looked down to the gras "im sorry" "its fine" i smiled "lets go".

we got to my house and Josh Immediately turned me to face him and he kissed me in such passion, i loved it, it was different then the kisses with LIam, with Josh i felt safe, loved, better with my self. mabey hes the one i am going to lose my first time, who knows:)

i kissed him goodbye and got in "what the hell..?" i whispered seeing all the lights on, whos here? "hii!!!!??" i yelled, nobody answered so i got scared, i took a lamp near me and got up to the second floor "whos here!?" i heard noises coming from my room, i walked slowly with the lamp getting ready to hit the person thats in my room, i opened the door and saw harry jumping on my bed "what the hell!?" "i am home!!" i put the lamp and ran to hug him "oh get of you wiredo!" "i am so happy your here!!, are you alone?" yes, i saw something there and i said to my self, go home".

"what?.. what do you mean? what happened?" he sighed and sat on my bed, i next to him "dont tell dad, he will get upset, plz..?" "umm, ye sure i wont, promise" "ok" he started "mom is cheating on dad" i looked at him shocked from his words "no.." "yes.. and you know who?" "no.." plz domt tell me, i dont wanna hear his name, plz not his name "Liam" of course "so he saw me and got on the first plane here" "are you sure it was him?" "yes you idiot" "ok..i just.. cant believe it".

the next day dad massage me 'coming back in two days, miss you kid' 'miss u 2 dad' the door bell rang "ill get it!!" i yelled and ran to the door, it wes Liam "what are you doing here?" "i need to talk to you" "well i dont wanna talk to you so bye" just as i shut the door he opened it with strength "no! we need to talk!" i took a step back, then i heard harry coming to us "what the hell are you doing here?".

I saw the fear in Liams eyes, i couldnt do anything "get out and stay away from my sister!!" harry pushed me away.

"I just want to talk to her, plz" "havent you dome enough!? get out!!" "no!!"

harry got mad, he punched Liam on the face and the show began "stop it!!"

they didnt heard me and kept hitting each other so i got between them to seperated them.

i holded harry cuz he was the smallst from both, but the hit hited me, literally Liam hit me and i fell to the ground.

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