Im inlove with my fathers best friend

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chapter 11: 

I opened my eyes to the sound of the ambulance "hi" Harry smiled holding my hand "how are you feeling?" "were am I? "your at the hospital, he really knocked you out" he kissed my hand "I am happy your OK" I tried to smile but one side of my face was hurting "where's Liam?" he didn't answered and just told me to go to sleep.

the next day I opened my eyes to see Josh sitting next to my bed holding my hand "hi.. you OK?" he smiled kissing my forehead "ye, my check hearts a little bit" "I am happy your fine, I was so worried, I swear if that guy was here I would kill.." I stopped him "you know what happened?" I opened my eyes wide open "ye your brother told my" "y.. you met my brother??" he nodded "your brother is cool" "ye like a girl" we laughed .

the next day they send me home where mom and dad and Jeff were waiting, I wonder where is Liam, I really wanna talk to him.

"oh my god your ok!" dad yelled and ran over to me kissing my head, hugging me "dad plz, cant.. breathe.. my,, face.. hurts" "oh sorry" he laughed "how was Mexico??" "amazing.. your mom got burn from the sun but shes fine" my smile became sed "i dont care" "Jemma! shes your mom why are you acting like this" "sorry" i left the living room and ran to my bedroom,

in the evening my face started to look normal, i got my hair up to a messy bum, wore my lazy clothes and got down stairs "hi" i smiled to Harry, he stuck out his tongue and kept playing with Jeff on the computer "wheres mom and dad??" "dont be mad but.. they left to Liams place to talk about to sue him"  Harry says smilimg "its not funny i dont want him to get sued it was an accident" "well thats not what i said" i got closer to him moving him from his chair "what the hell did you said?".

"nothing bed just.. he wanted to kiss you and you resisted him so he punched you, and iran and saved your ass" "what the hell Harry why did you lie!?!?" "cuz i dont want him near you sis ,hes a pedophile!" "you cant do this to him it was an accident" "i dont care".

stupid Harry!! why the hell my parents did this to me!! why did the have him!? God let me die!

two hours later dad came, without mom "hi i need to talk to you" i ran to him but he waved me off "be quiet ill talk to you tomorrow" Harry heard him and got up to stand next to me and said "whats wrong dad??" he turend arouned, looking at me, at Harry and then at Jeff the longest "Jeff, we need to talk, lets go... son" "ok..." he mombled getting up from his chair and went to dad, they closed the door, Harry and i were clueless.

the next day i woke up with a bitter taste in my mouth, i got up from the bed and went to the mirror "what?.." i whispered while looking at my face, i was bleeding from my mouth and eyes "dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed, i hoped to see him but it was only Harry "what happened.. oh my god" "call dad" i started waking to the exit but he stopped me "let me look at you, ill help you" "no i want dad!" "stop!!" he yelled shaking me "let me see" i shivered from his thouch "why cant i go to dad?" "oh its because of the swelling, its normal" "why are you ignoring me?" he sighed "something bed happened"

"what happened?" he didnt answered "Harry im serious" "i know" 

"so can you tell me?" "ok.. but clean yourself first and then"

i set on my bed after cleaning my face, Harry set next to me holding my hand, ok now im scared "what?" "mom is a pice of shit" "i know.. so?" "she left dad cuz he discovered that she was cheating him with Liam" "no way.." i started crying, i put my head on his shoulder "and theres somthing else"


i got up and ran outside, i started thinking, come on Jemma think! dont cry be strong, where the hell can she be?..and then it stroke me.

mom always used to take us to the park when we were little, so i know she will be there.

"hi" she smiled sitthing on the bench, i was so angry i just wanted to hit her

"how could you do this to dad? he loved you so much and you just stumed over him, you dont deserve him" "i know i did a bed thing its just.. i loved Liam so much.. im sorry" "and how could you lie about Jeff".

"what do you mean?" "i know" "know what?"

"that Jeff is not my dads son, hes Liams son"

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