Jail break

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Aqua's POV

"Hmmm," I groaned sleepily and looked at the time. It was 10:00am. I jumped out of bed and brushed my teeth then I went downstairs. My dad was in the couch watching football. "Good morning sleepy head," he said.
"Morning dad," I said. I sat down with him too and began to watch football but he was making too much noise so I went upstairs and took a shower. When I was finish I put on a blue jeans and a spaghetti strap blouse. I went downstairs and made egg and bacon sandwiches for my dad and I. We ate it quietly and then talked for a bit.
I then washed the dishes, swept the house and spread my bed.
"Hey dad, I'm gonna catch up Ammie and Xavier so I'll see you later okay," I said to my dad.
"Okay sweetheart, be back by 8," he said. 
I skipped outside happily to go to Xavier's house but the sea caught me eye. I felt it call me and I couldn't resist it. I walked quickly towards it and dived in. The sea water soaked through me giving me a relief and immediately my tail appeared. I swam deeper enjoying the water and inhaled the salt in my lungs. I saw my friend, Carash, he is a dolphin. He spoke to me in his dolphin language and I spoke back. I laughed at him and he gave me a swim. After we were finish we told each other goodbyes and I swam straight to Aunt Bubbles. She was just swimming from her house. "Hey auntie," I said to her and wrapped her into a tight hug. She hugged me back. "How are you Aqua?" She asked.
I smiled, "I'm great," I told her.
"Well I'm off to the market so you can go inside and catch up with Ski and Oceania. She had a worried look on her face, I could see it even though she was smiling. "Oh come on Aunt Bubbles, there's something you want to tell me," I said to her.
She shrugged and took a deep breath then I saw her pull out a flyer. I saw a picture of my dad in his cell and at the top of the paper "JAILBREAK" was written. I grabbed the paper from her with my mouth wide open. I continued to read the flyer.

Zooma Summers
Escaped from prison a week Zooma must attend court on Thursday, if not a reward of $5ccc will be given to whoever finds him.

I sighed, not bothering to read the rest. $5ccc was money that mer people used.
"Do you mind if I keep this?" I asked her.
"Sure," she said and swam off to the market. I swam straight into her house and greeted Oceania. She hugged me tightly and I could hardly breathe. I smiled her. "Did you hear about your dad?" She asked.
"Yep," I said slowly.
"Well you don't have to worry, we can defend him, me, u, Ski and mommy," she said and gave me a reassuring look. I smiled at her, "Yea! we can!" I said with enthusiasm. She laughed and Ski swam in and hissed her teeth. "What's wrong Ski?" I asked.
She cursed under her breath and swam out of the house. I followed her out and she swam quickly. "Ski wait up!" I shouted and added a little speed to my swimming. She turned the corner and swam to her favorite place. It looked like a wall of kelp but behind the kelp was a beautiful garden. She swam inside and I swam after her. She began to cry and I gave her a hug. "Ski you can tell me anything," I told her.
"It's Kevin," she said with tears in her eyes. Kevin is her boyfriend. They have been together over 4 months now. "What did he do now?" I asked.
"Okay, he asked me out to the couples' ceremony and when I showed up he wasn't there. I spent the whole night by myself waiting for him and all the couples who were there are making fun of me. It's now posted up on mer-tube and I keep asking him why he didn't come and he doesn't wanna answer me so I told him that when he's ready to talk he knows where to find me," she said. I saw the tears roll down her face. I hugged her.
We were about to swim out but Kevin swam in. "Ski, I'm really really sorry," he said with pleading eyes.
"So, are you ready to tell me why you didn't show up?" Ski asked in a angry tone.
"Ski please, I can't tell you, if I could I would," he said.
"Well Ski won't be available," Ski said and swam out.
Kevin sighed and hit his fist on a stone.
"What is the reason Kevin?" I asked.
"I feel too guilty to tell anyone," he said holding down his head.
"Come on, you know you can talk to your future cousin-in-law," I joked.
He grinned a bit. "Okay, so I literally forgot about the date," he said.
"Really! How could you? Anyways you know you can tell Ski that," I said.
"I would, but that's not all, while I was watching a video, Shawna swam inside and began to flirt with me. I told her to stop but she continued and she came closer to me and kissed me and I stupidly kissed her back," he said with a pause. I gasped.
"After kissing her I lost control of myself and continued kissing her more and flirting with her. When I came back to my senses I told her to forget that it ever happened and she went away and that's when I remembered about the couples' ceremony. I went there but it was too late, the ceremony was almost over and Ski was gone," he finished.
"How could you do that Kevin, you need to be more responsible," I said with a serious look.
"I know, the only reason why I'm afraid to tell her is because I don't want to lose her and I love her so much," he said.
"I love you too," I heard a voice said and I swam around to face Ski.
Kevin swam towards her and hugged her tightly like he wasn't going to let her go.
"I heard every word you said," Ski said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so so sorry and I promise i'll make it up to you," Kevin said and kissed her lightly on the lips.
"Oh you have so much to do to make it up to me," Ski said with an evil grin on her face. Kevin and I laughed.
"I don't like where this is going," I said looking at Ski who was laughing.
We all continued talking then we did a group hug and I left both of them in the secret garden.

Very soon I went back to shore and dried my tail. I went to Xavier's house. Xavier and Ammie were playing video games. I laughed at them and joined in.
"Hey guys," I said to them both.
"You're late!" Ammie scolded.
"Very late," Xavier said and gave me a wink.
"I'm sorry," I said in a baby voice .
They both laughed at me and very soon, I was playing video games too.
Hanging out with my bestfriend/sister and my boyfriend was the best time I could have ever had.
We talked and ate popcorn and banana chips combo. That's a combination I made.

In the evening, Xavier's mother made dinner and we all ate. That woman was an excellent cook.
After dinner, the three of us went to the movies. We watched "Mirror". It was a scary movie and of course, Xavier chose it but it was fun overall because when it got really scary I would cling onto Xavier and he would laugh but comfort me nevertheless.
"That movie was epic!" Xavier shouted. "More like scary," I said to him.
"Oh come on, don't be a chicken," Ammie said. I waved her off and she laughed at me. Xavier wrapped his arm around my waist and we all walked home. "That movie was really scary though," I told him softly.
"It's okay to be scared bae," he said and kissed my cheeks. I smiled, he knew how to make me happy. I kissed him back on his cheek and he blushed a little. When we reached his house he kissed me on my forehead and punched Ammie in her stomach. Ammie and I continued walking. Since Ammie's house was really close to mine I went over there.
"Hey mom," I said to Carrie.
"Hello there sweet pie," she said and then said something to Ammie.
Ammie and I went upstairs to her room. "So school tomorrow huh?" Ammie said with a yawn.
"Yep, and remember the biology homework," I said feeling rather sleepy myself.
I helped with a few chemistry questions and went over to my house. My dad was reading a newspaper.
"Good night dad," I said with a yawn.
"Yes night," he said.
I handed him the flyer and walked up to my room and as soon as I saw my bed, I fell on it.

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