"Downstairs. Now."

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Stella's POV

I yawned opening my eyes to come face to face with Oliver. His eyes were still closed so I slowly trailed my finger over his jaw then his lips. He slowly twitched as his eyes opened when a small smile appeared on his face, "Goodmorning Beautiful." I smiled playing with his hair that fell in his face.

"I need to go home because-" A knock on the door broke him out of his line as my eyes widened, "Go get in my closet!" I whisper yelled pushing him off my bed, "Stella? Are you awake?" My moms voice broke through the door, "Y-yeah. Hang on mom. I'm getting dressed." I pushed Oliver one more time and slammed my closet door.

"Hey mom!" I opened the door and met her confused face, "Are you okay?" I nodded my head, "Yep! Everything's great mom! Just fine and dandy."

She sighed while I nervously ran my hand through my hair, "Get out of the closet Oliver." My mom yelled locking eyes with me. A few seconds later a very nervous and very shirtless looking Oliver stepped out. "G-goodmorning Mrs. Pierce. How are you?"

"Stel you can't keep doing things like this! Your dad.. he's worried about you." Oliver stepped forward, "This isn't her fault... I was the one to come here last night. I was the one to stay over here. She didn't want me to but I begged her." His eyes shifted over to mine telling me not to say anything, "I don't have a problem with you staying here Oliver. I really don't, I trust you. But if you both hide it from me and Colton... I can already tell you that he is not going to be okay with this."

"Not going to be okay with what?" My dad walked into the room kissing my mom on the forehead, his eyes turned dark when he saw Oliver. "What the hell are you doing at 5 in the morning in my daughters room?!? Why are you shirtless? Why are you wearing his shirt?!?" He directed his last question at me, "D-dad.. it's not what it looks like. I promise." Before he stormed out of the room looking pissed he pointed a finger at me and Oliver, "Downstairs. Now." I sighed running a hand through my hair looking at my mom, "I can't get you out of this one sweetie. I would protect your face Oliver." He chuckled beside me gripping my hand tighter.

"I'll see you two downstairs." I nodded watching her close my door, "You ready to do this?" I mumbled a 'yes.'

"Now tell me what the fuc-" my mom laid her hand on his arm stopping him from saying eager he was going to say, "hell were you were doing in my daughters room at 5 in the morning?" I flinched beside a tense Oliver. "Sir, it's not what it looked like... I came here last night after I had a fight with my parents. Nothing happened. She's wearing my shirt because it was to hot for her hoodie she was wearing last night." I blushed remembering his reaction when he found what I was wearing under my hoodie.

I looked down at my lap when I heard my dad sigh, "Look Oliver... I love you like you're my own son. But you can't do this! You can't sneak into my daughters room and sleep with her no matter what happens at your house." I felt Oliver nod beside me, "Okay. Please don't call my dad... he's already pissed off at me for the other night."

"This is the last time Oliver... I don't mind you staying over but I need you to tell me when you do. And Stella," he directed his attention towards me, "We talked about this last night... you know how I feel. Especially after what you asked me last night."

"I know dad I'm sorry." He smiled pulling me into a hug, "And call Morgan will you? She's been blowing up the house phone. Also you two need to get ready for school." I nodded with a huge smile growing on my face.


"What'd you ask your dad last night? He mentioned something about how he feels about us." I blushed looking down, "N-nothing. It's not important." Oliver nudged me with his shoulder, "It is important. To me anyway."

"It's nothing really." I wrapped my arms around myself from the cold. I felt a hand dig into my side making me jump, "Oliver! Stop!"

"Not until you tell me what you said!" He began tickling me pulling me down on the grass with him, "Oliver? Stella?" Our heads snapped up to Morgan who was looking at us from the top of the hill.

"Uhmm. I gotta go meet up with the guys... I'll catch y'all later."

"H-Hey Morgan." I walked up to her slowly. "Stella." I sighed looking down at my feet, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Morgan-" I was cut off by her wrapping her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug, "I missed you. You just left in the middle of the night scaring me half to death. I wasn't mad, I'm not mad that you were with Oliver... I was mad that you didn't tell me that you were with him." I sighed pulling away from her, "I know I'm sorry. I should have."

"Is this something you two do a lot?" She asked in a vulnerable voice. I hated making her feel this way. "W-we meet up together.. yes. We have been ever since we were fourteen. I promise you all we do, all we have ever done there is talk." She smiled a little before pushing some hair behind her ear, "So I'm going to completely pretend that he is not my brother so you can tell me all about the dirty details from last night-" she spoke as we walked into the school building.

"There will be no telling of the dirty details from last night. Because there aren't any... right Stella?" My dad jumped in the conversation from behind us, "Oh... sorry Mr. Pierce! We gotta go to class though."

Morgan yanked on my arm pulling me down the hall, "Okay, now spill!" I laughed before sitting down at my desk, "Nothing really happened Morgan. I met him at our place and we... talked." She raised her eyebrow questioningly at me, "You just talked? That's it? Why did you say it so... Hesitantly?"

"Okay... So maybe he tried to kiss me. Before you say anything.. He was drunk." Her mouth fell open, "What?!?" Stella that's a big deal!"

I signed pulling out my notebook, "It didn't mean anything though Morgan. Anyway he's you're brother, you shouldn't be supporting this."

"But I do. I always expected you to fall for him."

I quickly shook my head, "I'm not falling for him! We're just friends."

She smirked down at me, "Then why are you being so defensive?"

I blushed looking down at the bracelet Oliver have me when we were younger. "Okay, so what if I am falling for him? Would you be mad?"

She smiled largely pulling me into a hug, "Not at all. So..... are you going to tell him?"

I scoffed pulling away, "No way! I'm not messing up what we have right now."

She opened her mouth but was cut off by the teacher walking in the classroom.

I'm really falling for Oliver Zander.



So here's the next chapter!!
Stella admitted her feelings for Oliver!! Do you think that he likes her??
I will try and update again soon.
Since it's the holidays and my dad just got orders to move to Kentucky I am pretty busy at the moment. I also had my knee pop out of place yesterday while I was at school..... Fun!!

No one on here knows this but.... I have a prosthetic leg. I have had it since I was a year old. That's the knee that popped out. I can't wear my prosthesis until the swelling in my kneecap goes down.

Thank you for reading!! Please vote and comment!!


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