Chapter 1

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Hey I hope you like this story. Just to let you know if you din't guess this is a Louis fan fiction, I hope you enjoy this and please tell me wat you think.


Chapter 1

Olivia p.o.v

Once again I am in my room. Somehow I have managed to make it snow, I don't know and don't care how. My parents are both downstairs, I don't go near them much because I am always to scared I am going to hurt them. The only people who know about my curse is my family. So whenever they come to visit I say hi to them but don't stay for long. And if any of my parents friends come around I just stay in my room.

"Olivia dear, can you come downstairs please?" My Mum's sweet voice called up the stairs. I shook all the snow off of me, and then went downstairs, making sure not to touch anything.

"Come here darling, we barley ever see you." My Dad said holding his arms out for a hug. I hesitated for a bit but then ran into them. But quickly backed away.

"Now you know you have school tomorrow." My Mum started.

"Do I really have to go? What if I hurt someone?" I suddenly said.

"Calm down. You do have to go because you know that we can't teach you anymore. But we have had an idea." Mum carried on. I just looked at them both curiously.

"Here, put these on." My Dad said passing me a pair of light blue gloves with a sparkling snowflake pattern around the hem. "Remember conceal, don't feel. These will help."

I smiled, and gave my parents a quick hug, "Thankyou so much, they are beautiful."

"Right lets test if our theory works." Mum said passing me an ornament.

Usually when I touch anything solid it will get an ice covering but when I held the ornament, nothing happened. I smiled and so did my parents.

"It works!" I said, laughing. I felt something land on my head. We all looked up. I gave the ornament back to Mum.

It was snowing. "Sorry, I should probably go back upstairs." When I ran upstairs the snow circled me. If this happens at school I am doomed.

"Ughhh, leave me alone." I said whilst pushing the snow away from me.

I closed the door of my bedroom behind me. The snow was still circling me. This was starting to get annoying I went over to my balcony doors and opened them I quickly took off my gloves then pulled all the snow around me into one snowball.

I was quite proud of myself, I threw and caught it a couple of times before throwing it as far as I could. Then I walked back into my room and threw myself onto my cosy bed. I started to dread what was to come tomorrow.


Well that is the first chapter, I hope you liked it please comment what you think about it. I will either update later, or tomorrow.

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