Chapter 6

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Sorry it's been so long but I have been really busy revising for exams which are now finally over. I think I did ok, but I will have to wait for two weeks to see how I did. Anyway I have finally found time to get onto wattpad and write the next chapter :) Hope you like it x


Chapter 6

Olivia p.o.v

Louis lead me up to his room. He turned so that he was faceing me.

"Before you go in, let me just warn you I had a fight with my sisters yesterday." Louis said, I nodded and then he opened his bedroom door.

It was quiet a big room, like any normal teenage boy room to be honest execept for the ice creeping up the walls, the piles of snow everywhere and snow just hovering everywhere (This is ruffly what it would look like: . "Not as bad as my room." I honestly said. "I can't get rid of most things so all I can do is move it out of the way, there are snow and ice everywhere." 

"Don't worry about it, I could help you fix it if you want." Louis smiled at me.

"That would be great thanks." I smiled back.

"Give me a sec I just need to get rid of all this." He said. Then he slowly brought his arms up whilst all the ice and snow came up in blue sparkles to form one big snowflake which looked like it was made out of stars on the cieling. Then he quickly moved his arms apart and the snowflake broke and the tiny stars fell and dissapeared half way down to the floor. 

 "Wow." I muttered under my breath. I heard a slight chuckle come from Louis' direction, "What?"

"Nothing." Louis quickly said and then sat down on his bed. He pated the space next to him. I slowly walked over making sure not to touch anything and sat next to him. "So you have no control over this?" 

I looked down, "Well I can get rid of stuff but only small bits, and sometimes it really hurts after I did something right. But I can't control when I do something that is why I hate going to school encase I do something stupid in front of everyone. Like in one lesson I started just randomly getting panicked and when I looked down at my pen it had an ice coating so I quickly had to swap pens." 

"I used to be like that, but after I started practising I became more confident with myself, I still don't have complete control but I have enough to keep my secret safe." Louis said. He got up and walked over to his window and opened it. I went and stood next to him. My hands brushed up against the wall and immediately thin ice spread across the room in swirls. I just watched it until the whole room was ice and when it all connected in the center of the ceiling a big hanging sculpture. )

"I am so sorry." I said turning to Louis. He was just smiling.

"It's fine seriously, you may not have a lot of control but damn you can make some really pretty things. All I could make when i had no control was icicles, snow and random ice patches." Louis answered. 

I blushed, "Uumm thanks, I think. I will try and get rid of it for you." I started walking towards the middle of the room but Louis grabbed my wrist.

"No, I want to keep it, it's nice." He sweetly smiled at me which I returned. "Anyway, I was wandering if you wanted to start practising tonight? Only if you want. We will just start in the woods, we won't be anywhere near the town." 

I thought about it for a bit, am I ready? What if I hurt Louis? What if I did some how cover the town in snow? But also, I want to get control of this stupid curse as quickly as possible. I can't let it win. I can't live in my room for the rest of my life.

"Yeah sure." 

I wander how this will end up...


Sorry it has taken me so long to write this boring and short chapter but I have been busy... revising :(. I have to re-sit my Science exam because there was a printing problem in the real exam so tomorrow I have to re-sit it :( Anyway please comment what you think. Thanks :) x

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