Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Olivia p.o.v

Finally, someone like me. This was unbelievable, for my whole life I had been looking for someone who understood me and I was always just a few hours away from them.

"So how come they know? Do Perrie and Dani know too?" I asked.

"Well I by accident showed them whilst we where walking home when I was 13 and no." Louis said calmly.

"What do you mean by accident showed them?" I said curiously.

"Well I was in deep thought about something that had happened the day before at home, I can't exactly remember what it was now. And when I snapped out of it I realised snow was circling around me, the guys saw, I panicked and ran home. But they weren't scared or anything. I explained everything to them and it has been our secret since." Louis explained.

"Ahh, did they see the thing that happened today?" Did I want them to know as well, or did I just want it to stay between me and Louis, I don't even know anymore.

"No, just me." Louis answered.

I nodded, "You can tell them if you want, as long as they keep it secret."

"I think you should be the one to tell them and of course they will. And by the way, what you told me earlier, about why you moved here, it's not the real reason is it." Louis said whilst walking closer to me.

I looked down and shook my head, "It's a long story." I heard a slight rustling, I looked up to see that Louis had made two beautiful chairs out of ice. I gasped.

"I have time." Louis said, whilst sitting down on the chair, then he immediately got up again. "Gosh, that's a little uncomfortable. I will be right back."

I nodded. He jumped and then a big gush of wind came and he flew with it. I just stood there with my mouth hung open, how did he do that? Also how did he have so much control? A few seconds later he landed in front of me. Louis then walked over to the chair and layed a cushion of flowers down on each one.

He sat down and then patted the chair next to him, I walked over and sat down, they where very comfortable. "How did you do that? And how do you have so much control over the magic?" I blurted out.

"I will explain all after, so why did you move to Doncaster?" Louis said, and leaned in closer.

I sighed and then started to explain. (If you can't remember it is in Olivia's flashback in chapter 3)

After I had done explaining, I looked up and looked at Louis. I didn't realise I was crying until Louis wipped a tear away with his thumb.

"Hey, come here." Louis opened up his arms and patted his knee. I stood up and sat on his lap. He rapped his arms around me. "Don't worry about it anymore. They shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, and it wasn't your fault. I have had times similar to that when I was very little. Don't worry at least you are safe and here."

I nodded into his chest. I sat up and wiped the tears away. "So, how do you have control."

Louis smiled, "Well I practised, every night. In the winter after I had told, well showed the boys what I could do. I decided it is time to get control, so every night in the winter I went into the woods and started seeing what I could do. Then half way through winter I thought I would push myself a bit more. I went into the town and decorated the town in ice and snow. That is when I realised I could use the wind to get to places."

"So you just practised? And how did you find out?" I had so many questions.

"Yep, every night, it was hard because I was on my own and had nobody to help out if I went wrong. But I managed. And I found out because I was on top of a house and there was no way to get down. So I just jumped and then felt the wind take me to somewhere safe. It's really fun, here I will show you." Louis stood up and then held his hand out to me.

"I am not sure." I said. "What if I do anything wrong?"

"You won't I promise, it is getting dark now anyway so if you want you can come to mine for a bit and then I can take you home." Louis said, still offering his hand.

I thought for a bit, "Mmm ok." I put my hand in his. Louis pulled me close.

"Wind take us home." Louis said. Then a harsh wind carried us into the air. I screamed slightly and shut my eyes. "It's ok Liv, I am right here. Open your eyes."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a sea of lights underneath us which was Doncaster. Slowly we started to descend onto a house that was only a few doors down from my house. "You live here?"

"Yep. So how did you like the ride?" Louis said with a smirk.

"It was brilliant." I said.

"Ready to try it for yourself?" Louis suddenly said.

I snapped my head around to look at him, "Are you serious?"

"Don't worry, trust me just jump and think of that wind just now, I will always catch you if it doesn't work. But I am positive it will." Louis reassured.

I nodded, then watched Louis jump the wind came up under his feet and he landed softly on the ground then turned up to look at me.

I took a deep breath, then I jumped, I felt a harsh wind come from behind me and push me along. I landed, but not on the ground. I looked at my surroundings, I was in a tree.

"I did it.... sort of!" I said whilst throwing my arms in the air. I heard Louis laugh from down below.

"Nice one! Come on jump down."

I looked down, I was a little higher than last time. I felt the branch dip but only slightly. I turned around to see Louis standing there.

"Decided you want to live up here then?" Louis softly chuckled.

"Well it has everything I need apart from a loo, and food." I answered whilst lying down on the branch. It was pretty strong as it was holding both me and Louis.

"You look quiet comfortable there. Come on lets go down." Louis said and then lifted into the air again.

Suddenly I heard a snap, my head snapped up and me and Louis searched for the noise. Then the branch suddenly jolted. Then it fell, I screamed, I watched Louis lift off but he couldn't control the wind.

I turned so I was facing the ground and then I formed a huge pile of snow. I felt two arms grab around my waist and then we both fell into the snow that I had created.

I was breathing heavily. What just happened, I looked around for Louis. Then I felt movement beside me and Louis' head popped out from the snow. He pulled himself up.

"Are you ok?" Louis asked, who was also breathing heavily. I just nodded.

"What is going on out here?" A woman's voice came from behind us. We both turned to face her.

"Sorry Mum." Louis said and then stood up. He held both his hands out to me then helped me out. "Mum this is Olivia Heath, she is the Heath's daughter at the end of the road."

"Ahh well nice to meet you I am Johannah, Louis' mum. Louis what is with this snow? Oops does she um-does she know?" Johannah said the last bit more quietly.

"Ye-" Louis started, but suddenly I feel over and shot a piece of ice at the wall of the house by accident.

"I am so sorry." I said quickly, getting up and rushing over to the ice trying to make it disappear but all I did was make it bigger.

"Yes she does, actually Mum she is like me. Is what I was going to say, Liv let me hall you there." Louis said and then walked up to me. Then he just placed his hand right in the middle of it and pulled it all off and then he threw the ice into the air, finally it fell as snow onto the floor.

"Thanks. Sorry, I haven't got complete control yet." I answered whilst looking down at the floor.

"It's fine really, Louis used to be the same. Do you want to come in for a bit?" Johannah asked sweetly.

"Oh that would be lovely thanks." I said.

"Great, come on in." She answered then walked back into the house. Louis smiled at me and then I followed him in.


Well that is chapter 5. I might update tomorrow, depends if I get any homework. Well all I have to say is please comment what you think and vote x

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