Chapter 2-DaiSuga

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mUM AND DAD AHHHH. Btw I have a brief idea where I was going with this. Lmao.


We were back from camp. It was lunch and, we were eating in our homeroom. He turned in his chair and faced me with an anxious filled smile.

'Hey, I need to tell you something. I-I've met someone.'


Now, Im genuinely really unlucky. I would pay big money to prove how unlucky I am. Like I can be an enormous klutz, or just plain forgetful.
But hearing those words slip out of his pink, smooth lips?
I'm cursed.

That's the truth. I've been in love with my best friend since grade 6 when we first bumped into each other. The day his radiant smile and smooth voice made my heart leap in its place for the first time. I could never forget my thoughts. What pretty eyes.

'Y-you're s-seeing someone?' I asked my face frozen in disbelief.

'Yes!' Please no. 'And they're coming to volleyball practice after school!' No! This isn't happening! 'Isn't it exciting?' NO! 'You can finally meet each othe–' 'NO!'

He jumped as I slammed my hands on the table, standing. My legs were shaking and electricity shot through them. I soon whipped my hand up to my mouth as I felt my other hand, stiff, terrified of stumbling. My body felt like lead. This isn't happening. It can't be...

'Why are you dating?'

His conflicted face was so cute that it made me more mad.

'What? What are you talking about?'

Don't play dumb. 'Tch. Date whoever you want. It's not my business who you fu-'


The sudden heat reached my cheek and I saw his hand raised. 'What's wrong with you? Don't ever say that again. I told you because you're my friend! I was so excited to tell you about them! I can't help feeling needed for once!'

Shock was the initial feeling. Then disappointment. He noticed what he did and he placed his hand sympathetically on the currently stinging cheek. Subconsciously, I shoved his hand away roughly, 'Don't touch me, lover boy.'

His eyes glasses over and he started to ramble. 'Oh god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say tha-'
'I have to go.' I didn't want to hear his excuse.

I turned towards the door, but I felt him grab me by the wrist tightly and he pulled me close to his chest. 'What? No please. Don't go! I'm sorry! Where are you going?'

I yanked my arm away. 'Home.' I spat.

I turned once again and I heard him call behind me.

'Home? But we have class. Please come back! We have practice! DAICHI?! I'm s-sorry...'


I ended up not going home. I wandered the area of the towns park. I looked at my phone. School just about finished about now. Just enough time to think about what happened.

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