Chapter 16-TsukkiYama

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Holy FUCK how long has it been sksbkskx I'm so sorry there's no excuse here's a shitty chapter


It's been a week. Or maybe a month? I'm not really certain of anything anymore. All this world is now, is dark and isolation. The concept of time, now just a memory. Or a delusion?

I still hear his voice. I have long forgotten the name that the voice belonged to. But I am very aware that it is still there. Calling for me like a broken record. Calling a name behind me, my far back in my history. I have become numb to the world around me. It has become the only thing that I know is real. The only thing I can call my own. This darkness and cold is mine and mine alone. And I am not okay wth it.

I'm ready to leave now.

Please, I'm ready.


It had been a week. Or maybe a month? I'd been in that room for so long that I had lost count of the hours. Time seemed to be such a petty and insignificant part of life. Because it was a constant reminder of how long Yamaguchi had been under his spell of slumber.

The room was silent except of the constant ear piercing beeps of the monitors that decorated the bed head. The room was cold except for the contact that our hands always held whenever I was in the room.

Oh, how cold his hand always was.


"You're hands are so cold, Yamaguchi!"

"Well the longer you avoid this, the longer it's going to hurt."

He leaned down and lifted the dirt decorated leg of my jeans up to my knee and displayed my grazed leg out in the open.

The air that hit against it was sharp and instantly made the red skin throb. "Yamaguchi, can't we just leave it? It's not so bad." I tried to make excuses. I did not want to feel more pain than I already did.

"Tsukki, it will get infected and gross and you'll have to cut it off and you wont be able to play volleyball like Nii-Chan anymore." he scolded me as he reached into his starry backpack.

I huffed out in frustration because he was right. He was always right.

"Why do you even have alcohol wipes anyway." I tried to change the subject. "Isn't that even a little weird?"

He just giggled as he ripped open the little packet. "I fall a lot, so mum always puts the wipes in so I can clean myself whenever I graze myself."

I felt a little silly while making fun of him, but I didn't say anything.

He smiled up at me with a teeth-y grin, missing his upper tooth which he currently had under his pillow. His freckles still growing out because of the sun.


"Now Tsukki, this is gonna suck."

He quickly placed the wipe across my graze and the stinging pain travelled up my leg as I screamed out for him to stop. He tried to calm me by holding my hands. Telling me to breathe.

The pain slowly went away after a few more swipes and tears that raced down my face were really embarrassing.

"Look at me. You're okay now, Tsukki."


I jumped at the sudden jolt of his arm as he sat up from the raised bed; breathing wildly, eyes wide.

All I could do was stare. Did I fall asleep again? Is this like those messed up dreams that had each night, wishfully thinking that he would wake up to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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