Chapter 4-TsukkiYama (*)

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Hey guys. Not really sure if I wanna continue this book but I'll give a chapter anyways. Hopefully it goes well. I remember being hit several times in the face by this ship the very first time I watched haikyuu. Who even was I back then?

Lmao who cares.

Okay kiddos, sit on mamas lap. I'm gon tell you a story.

Also picture above was drawn by meeeeeeeeee. I could be better but I'm proud of it.

Tsukishima's POV

I was at the park with Yamaguchi on the weekend, helping him practice his serves when a question pops up.

"Hey Tsukki? What do you think of that new kid in the volleyball club?"

I thought for a second before answering. "I guess he's alright. He's been annoying the ginger recently so I appreciate that."

He snickered. "Huh yeah I guess."

I thought for a moment. "Hey so I was thinking... Are we gonna tell the team? I mean... about us?"

He turned to me and stared, unsure if he should answer. "Uh... No. Not now. I don't know how they'll take it."

"Yama. We're gonna have to tell them at some point, right?"

He walks to where I was sitting and places his hands on his hips. Cute.

"I told you not yet. It's not the right time, Tsukki!"

"What are we waiting for, though?"

"Why do you keep bringing this up? I thought you don't really care for the club?"

"Of course I do. I also care about you."

I walk up to him and drag him back by his waist to sit on my lap. He keeps a pouty face.

"Yama... please. I don't want to fight. But we can't hide this secret from them forever, can we?"

He wraps his arms around my neck and plays with my hair. "I know. I know. Fine how about we tell them next week?"

I bring him closer, eager to smell his sweet scent. "Thankyou Yama. I love you for this."

"I know. How couldn't you love me." He grins. I lean towards him and him to me. We meet with a chaste kiss. (Ugh this is my two best friends always smooching and crap. Cute but eww at the same time u feel?)

This boy that I love so much. In my arms. Smiling at me.

I'm lucky. He's my best friend. My soulmate, I think. The love of my life. I understood why it bothered him. He just convinced his parents to let him stay with me.

(Flashback brought to you by a 2 am youtube sesh)

It's been about six months that we've been together now, and about one month since Yama's 17th birthday. We were both seventeen now. So I could no longer call him a kid (apparently).

It was Saturday night and his parents were out for the weekend so I could spent the whole night with him. Alone. The thought itself got me excited but I kept myself cool.

It didn't last for a long time, though. The fact that he was horny himself didn't help either.

So the instant we were inside his house I slammed him against the wall with him gasping loudly while I attacked his neck. His hands grasping my shoulders while my hands roamed to his back where the smooth skin was hot to the touch even though it was starting to become autumn and the winds outside were icy. I heard him cry out. "T-Tsukki... not... s-s-so... rougaAAHH TSUKKI!"

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