Chapter 5-KageHina

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I decided to continue. Why tf not.

Also for not updating like a spaz DOUBLE UPDATE YAAAAY

So this is where the split book kinda happens.

On with the storyyyyy

Hinata's POV

It's been a week since Tsukishima left school. No one knows why and Yamaguchi won't talk to anyone about it. Basically he acts really cold to everyone. His serves have improved because of all his bottled anger. Although he has been away the past two days. Probably sick. It's also been a week since Nishinoya-Senpai started wearing a sling.  The whole team has kind of been on edge about it. Pretty much everyone blames Xiento for it. Well except Kageyama.

I didn't like it.

Whenever it was free time, I'd see them both practicing in the gym with huge smiles on their faces. On Kageyama's face.

He'd compliment Xiento on all his spikes. And it hurt. And everytime I'd ask him to practice he always had an excuse. 'I'm meeting Xiento' 'Xiento and I are getting yogurt' 'I'm busy with XiEnTo'!

I wanted to spent time with Kageyama but Xiento was taking him away from me. And I HATED him for that. (Cue Yandere Simulator theme song XD)

We had practice after school and for two full hours, the two of them would make puns and laugh with each other. And not once did Kageyama even toss to me. I think Daichi noticed because he told Xiento to sit out and rest his foot that he apparently damaged.

At first I was kind of happy but Kageyama ended up having a break too. I tried my best, but I could not help but glance over at the two of them talking. Every so often they would lean really close. Like too close and whisper things in each other's ears. Then Kageyama pushing him away laughing. Then out of nowhere Xiento had the audacity to grab Kags by the collar and bring his lips really close to his own. I was in such a bad mood because of Tobio's constant flirting and now this, that I couldn't control the ball I pegged to his face.



"Honestly the prices of volleyball shoes are getting ridiculous. I'm gonna have to sell ALL my shoes to buy shoes. How the hell will I afford roses and shit."

Both Xiento and I were stretching during practice and we could not stop talking to each other. I've been getting so close to him lately. And I was excited to know he was gay too. Not like I never met anyone like me. Like come on the whole teams pretty much gay. But I told him about my crush on Hinata and he told me about his small crush on Daichi. At the moment he was helping me figure a few things out.

"You don't understand, man. Like I'm a hopeless romantic."

He laughs and says, "So what? You can still win him over."

"How though. Hinata wouldn't like someone like me. He such a romantic. He's kind. He's funny. And I'm Kageyama. You get my issue now?"

"Yah man. Like Daichi is such a nice guy. He's also smart. He cares for his friends. He's funny. And if I'm honest..."

He whispers in my ear,"...his ass isn't hard on the eyes either."

Laughing I push him away. "Eww I don't want to know."

We both end up cracking up laughing.

"Hey Xiento, I just wanted to say. It's great to have someone to talk to. Thanks."

"Ehhh? No problem dude. It's cooooool."

I smile and ask him one more question. "Can you help me?"

He looks up worried. "Of course man. What's up?"

"How do I win Hinata?" I ask with a smile.

He thinks for a second.

"Flirt. Like a lot. You just have to use your strengths."

"Pft... like what? 'Hey Hinata, I'm like madly in love with you!' Then punch him in the face?"

He started to laugh again. "Dear god NO! Just be yourself like, be straightforward. You know?"

"What the-? How then? Show me oh great one."

"Okay, so just go up to him and like I don't know-"

He yanked me by my shirt lifting me close to his face where at first is scared the shit out of me. But then I relaxed.

"-something like this."

I was about to respond when a ball flew right in front of us barely missing my nose and rebounding off the wall.

It scared Xiento and I out of our wits and we flew onto our backs. Pissed, I looked to where it came from and all I saw was Shoyous body shaking and running from the gym.

Was he... crying?

"Xiento you okay?"

He touched his nose where it started to bleed. My eyes widen and I call for Yachi. Great another injury.

"Kageyama, I'm fine. Go after him!"

I jumped up and stumbled but I ran after Hinata, calling out his name. Unaware of what I left behind me.


Xiento's POV

I watched as Kageyama ran out the door and a few guys in the team looked over at me. Daichi was currently placing ice on my nose but I couldn't help but feel as if they were angry at me. Suga looked the most pissed.

"What is it Suga-Senpai?"

He turned away and looked to the other side of the court.


"It's your fault."

His response shocked me. Daichi too. "What are you saying Koushi? He just got hit with the ball!"

Angry he turned to us again. His usually calm welcoming, demeanour morphing into a towering, cold one.

"Yeah and now we lost another player. We are two players down now just because of him."

I was stunned into silence.

I got up and left, feeling unwanted.

"Thanks Daichi. I'm going home. Don't want anyone else getting injured cause of me."

He turned to me grabbing my hand. His still so soft. "Xiento wait. I'll walk you home."



So I'm done the second part of the KageHina chapters.

I think it's a good chap. I bit short though I do apologise.

Next is DaiSuga 😬

See you next time


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