Chapter 6-DaiSuga

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This part is continuing the latest KageHina chapter so yeah.

Also above is an art concept of how I imagine Xiento.




Sugawara's POV

"Xiento wait. I'll walk you home."

Anger is all I could feel that day but that one sentence made me want to hurt him myself. And he grabbed his hand. The way he used to grab mine.


Xiento walked out. And Daichi turned to me with just as much anger. "Suga! What is your problem? He just got hit in the face and you accuse him of things that are not in his control!"

I crossed my arms and faced away. I didn't care how childish I looked. I was pissed.

"Suga. Why don't you like him? Since the moment he came here you've wished nothing good for him. I'm so sick of your behaviour towards him."

With each sentence he said my heart broke a little more. I was fighting the urge to cry.

"I get that you hate me all of a sudden so put your anger towards me but leave Xiento a-LONE!"

He left, leaving me with Asahi and the second years.

"Sugawara. Get Daichi back we need to finish this game!"

I was mad.

I ran out after them.



I was so mad with Sugawara. He's been so weird and unlike himself lately. It was breaking my heart.

But Xiento was my priority right now.

I ran towards the bathrooms where I figured he'd go. And my dad senses were right.

I entered the bathroom along the side of the gym and was quiet.

I walked to the locker section and found him leaning on his locker. He was shirtless and I saw bruises upon bruises on his back. I gasped loudly as I took them in. He shouldn't be this damaged. Someone as precious as him. It was wrong.

I must have scared him because he whipped around and pushed himself against his locker making him wince in pain.

"Daichi! Ow... you scared me I didn't even hear you."

"Xien~ what happened to you. Who was it? Who hurt you?"

He started to laugh. "Daichi I'm okay honest. I take self defence classes and I get bruises a lot. I promise you I'm okay."

I was still doubting his story but I remembered why I came here.

"Xien, I'm so sorry about Koushi. I don't know what's wrong with him lately. He had no right to talk to you like that."

His face instantly drops. "No he didn't. He's probably jealous. You are boyfriends after all."

I was shocked to the bone. "W-w-ha-at oh my gOD NO WE ARE NOT."

He turned back looking surprised, "Really? You guys seem so... in sync? It's obvious you like him."

I blushed right to my toes and stuttered. How did this guy know? How?

"Okay so what?"

He grabs my hands.

"Fine how about you just let it all out. Tell me what's bothering you."

I took a deep breath. "Okay. But this is not to go to anyone understand?"

He nodded.

"Okay. I'm in love with Sugawara Koushi. I have been since sixth grade. And I'm worried about him. He's always so sweet and caring but now he's acting like such a kid, and he's cold towards me. I hate what he's becoming."

"You can't help what he's feeling, Daichi... Maybe you don't belong together. But how will you know if you don't try!"

I stared at him, confused. I thought this conversation was gonna go a lot differently.

"Maybe the problem is that he misses you. It seems like to me that all he wants to do is talk to you."

I looked up at him.

"No he doesn't. He's angry with me some how. Did I tell you how I met you in the park that day?"

He looked at me and shook his head.

I got goosebumps as I continued, "Well that day he slapped me. He hit me. Yeah I guess I provoked him but I was stunned that he'd hurt me. Anyone for that matter. I just feel that he'll never learn to love me." I couldn't help but rub my upper arms, a habit I grew into when entering high school.

Xiento came to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I hugged him back and we stood there, in the cold bathroom.

After a few seconds we split and a cough rang through the empty room.

We looked over and I froze when I saw Sugawara standing adorably in the doorway with his hands behind his back. The instant I saw him my heart burst into a fast rhythm.


He looked up and we didn't say a word. Not for a while. OH GOD HE MUST HAVE HEARD. NONONONO. This wasn't going to go well.

"Uh, Daichi coach needs to talk to you."

I nodded and walked towards the door. But I hesitated. I couldn't leave Xiento alone with Suga. Who knows what he would do.

I think Koushi noticed my hesitation because he smiled his wondrous smile of his and placed his hand softly on my upper arm.

"It's okay Daichi. I just want to talk to him. I promise. Go! Coach needs you. I also need to talk to you. After school by the clubhouse?"

Seeing his smile I felt warm again and smiled back, nodding. I waved to Xiento and ran out of the bathroom.

He'll be fine. I trust Suga.


Xiento's POV

I secretly didn't want Daichi to go but Ukai needed him so he had no choice. It was just us two now. Great.

Terrified, I placed my back on my locker again where the bruises where cooled by the smooth metal.

"What did you hear?"

I looked up and I couldn't tell what emotions Suga was trying to show or hide.

"Xiento listen. I came in here to talk to you because I was angry. I was ready to tell you exactly what I thought but then I heard what you said to him and those thoughts just left. I wanted to say thank you. I know how horrible I've been to you and I don't know why. I'm not usually like this. But the day you came here everything changed. I will never forgive myself for hurting him. I still can't believe that I slapped him. Or you for that matter! I'm so so sorry, Xiento. I know after what I've done you'll probably never want to talk to me again but I hope we can be proper friends one of these days."

He left without another word.

I couldn't keep going with this. I had to stop feeling these feelings for Daichi. Neither of them deserved it.

I put on a clean shirt and placed the bloody one in a plastic bag and closed my locker.

Yay for being lonely again.


So that happened. Hope you enjoyed.

I can't believe how dramatic I made these guys (so tempted to write gays) so sorry about that.

The next DaiSuga chap will be much more fluffy I prOMISE YOU.

Thanks again for everyone that's reading this!


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