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As Newt and Thomas entered the kitchen they were met with pancakes, Sandra looked up from her phone and smiled at the boys.

"Good morning, boys. I made pancakes, I have to go to work so I can't stay." She kissed Newt's head, as the boys sat down and smiled warmly at Thomas. "It was nice to finally meet you, Thomas. You can stay whenever you want."

"Thank you, Sandra. It was a pleasure to meet you and your husband."

Sandra said goodbye once more before leaving the house. Breakfast was spent in silence, Thomas glanced at Newt every now and then, only to find him with a distant look in his eyes, staring in front of him as he ate his pancakes. He sighed at the sight and shook his head slightly. He couldn't deny it, he was worried about Newt. He had never seen him fall apart like that. He had seen Newt depressed after he had hit him but never had he seen Newt break down like that. He had cried for more then two hours. Eventually he had fallen asleep in his arms. too exhausted from all the crying.

He sighed again. "Newt?"

The blonde looked up at him, knowing what was coming. "Yeah?"

"I, I just- You know I'm here for you right ? And you helped me through so much, I just want you to know I'm here if you want to talk about it."

Newt smiled warmly reaching over the table, holding his hand and caressing it softly. "I know Tommy, I'll tell, just not now. When I'm ready, I'll tell you."

"Okay.." He whispered, nodding and leaning forward to kiss his hand softly.

"Do you want to go out for coffee?" He asked.

"But we're going tonight with Minho and the others."

"I know but I need my morning coffee."

"We have coffee here too, you know." Newt said grinning widely.

"Newtiee," he pouted adorably "It's not the same!"

The blonde chuckled. "alright"

Thomas beamed and the blonde laughed at him. "You're adorable, you know that ?"

Thomas blushed and dragged him to the front door. Newt checked himself in the mirror next to the door. "Oh my God, I look horrible." He said, poking his bruises and wincing at the contact.

"You still look perfect to me, now come on."

Newt chuckled "You're just saying that because you want your coffee."

Thomas raised a hand to his heart as he gasped mockingly. "I would never do such thing!"

Newt rolled his eyes. "yeah right." He kissed his cheek and opened the door. "Let's go cocksucker."

The boys sat in comfortable silence at the bar, coffee in hand and staring lovingly at each other.

"You happy now ?" Newt asked after a while, sipping from his cup.

"Very." Thomas grinned

"So are you going back home tonight ?"

"Yeah, I guess..." He stared down in his cup and Newt placed his hand on his.

"You know you're always welcome at my house right ?"

"yeah I know, but your parents will start asking questions..."

"Tommy, you've seen how they are with me, I... used to be in the same situation, they will help you."

He glanced up at the blonde, who just looked uncomfortable now. Thomas figured he hated to bring it up.

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