you'll kill him

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"Dad." he said, his voice barely over a whisper. "What are you doing home on a Tuesday?"

His dad laughed humorlessly, slowly stepping forward. "Didn't expect me, huh? I can see why..." his eyes drifted to Newt's arms protectively around Thomas' waist. His eyes locked with Newt's, sending him a message to let his son go. The blonde didn't react, just glared back at him.

Newt didn't know what he was doing, he knew Thomas' dad was dangerous. What are you doing. Even Thomas is scared of him.  He pushed his thoughts away holding his glare, Thomas tried to break away from his grasp but he just tightened the grip.

"Step away from my son, you worthless f-"

"Don't!" Thomas growled, his voice low.

"What is it son? You can't accept the truth ? You can't accept it that he's-"

"I said don't!" Thomas snapped, finally breaking away from Newt's grasp and stepping closer to his father. Newt let out a small noise of protest.

Suddenly Thomas was shoved against the wall, his father holding him there. "You have to accept it son! He's a fag, just like you! you're worthless, a waste of space, useless, disgusting!" His father spat, he drew back his fist and was about to connect it with Thomas' face as a hand gripped his wrist. He turned around harshly, punching Newt in the face and shoving him to the ground, he straddled the boys waist holding his shoulders firmly, his nails digging in the fabric of the blue shirt.

"What are you gonna do, huh ? You're playing his prince now? Saving him? Bad move, faggot! You know for a moment I thought Thomas would come to his senses and date a beautiful girl one day, but you had to come along and ruin everything, didn't you. With your filthy disease!" He punched Newt again, his fist connecting with the boy's jaw,  He groaned in pain.

Thomas was pulling on his father's arms, trying to pull his father away from Newt. It was useless his father remained in the same place, shouting at Newt and punching him over and over again. He tried to shove his father away but stopped his actions at the words that left his father's mouth.

"What do you even want with him! Nobody likes him, he's worthless, a freak, a waste of space, nobody wants to be his friend, so why would you want to be his disgusting boyfriend huh ? Or are you like him? Do you cut yourself to, do you hate yourself like he does, don't you talk to people, don't you have friends. He's nothing but a Worthless piece of shit!" He grabbed Thomas' arm jerking him forward, rolling up his sleeve roughly. "See, what would you want with someone like him, boy? Why would you want a depressed, broken piece of shit, a faggot!"

Newt had had enough, he could see Thomas stiffen, he could see the hurt in his eyes at the man's words. He had crossed the line.

Thomas gasped at the flash of pure anger in the blonde's eyes, never ever had he seen Newt like that. His eyes looked like they were on fire, he was furious. Newt's arms shot away from his father's grasp, punching him hard in the jaw and shoving him off, it was his turn to straddle the man's waist.

Newt punched him over and over again, he knew he had to stop before he went too far but he was furious. "Who do you think you are! You're the worthless piece of shit here! do you know that! He's your son for crying out loud! You're disgusting! Do you know the reason why he cuts himself ? Why he never talks, why he doesn't have friends ? It's all because of you! You don't deserve to live! you're bloody pathetic!" Newt spat, continuing his punching. Hands grabbed his arms and he was dragged of the man.

"Newt! Newt, you need to stop you're going to kill him." Thomas said, wrapping his arms around his waist, trying to calm him down. Pulling him away from his father.

"I don't care, Tommy! He deserves it. He's the reason you are like this. He deserves all the crap in the world!" Newt tried to get out of his grasp but Thomas held him tighter dragging him out the door towards the car.

"Newt, I know, just don't. You're not like him, let's go okay, just calm down." Thomas pushed him against the car, turning him around so he could look him in the eyes. "Calm down, it's fine, let's just go, he's not worth it. Let me take care of you." He stepped closer, his body against Newt's, He smiled softly as he could feel the blonde relax against him. He nodded slowly and Thomas leaned down to kiss him gently before opening the door from the passenger seat and walking around to get in the car himself.

The ride to Newt's house was silent, he had texted their friends, telling them they wouldn't make and that they could go tomorrow. Minho had replied soon, telling them it was fine and they would indeed go tomorrow instead.

Thomas glanced at Newt now and then, looking for any kind of emotion, anything, but nothing came, he just sat there his face blank as he stared out of the window. He sighed he felt like crap and longed for the feeling of cold metal sliding through his skin, but he couldn't give in, not now, not after all this time without cutting, he couldn't start again. He felt like crying or screaming, maybe both... He still didn't understand why his dad was home on a Tuesday, he never wanted Newt to get hurt, but there he sat, the boy he loved, staring blankly out of the window, bruises forming all over his face and his nose bleeding. It was weird to know his dad had done this. Yes of course he knew his dad was like that, but he had never hurt anyone except from him and his mother.

what would you want with someone like him, boy? Why would you want a depressed, broken piece of shit, a faggot!The words raced through his mind over and over again. He couldn't help the thought that came into his mind next. He's right why would Newt want someone like me, I'm worthless. He could do so much better than him. Newt shouldn't have to go through all this. He deserves someone who wasn't broken someone who could keep him safe.His hands started to tremble, as did his whole body and he pulled over, knowing he wasn't able to drive like this.

Newt looked over at him in confusion but it was soon replaced by worry as he saw the boy's body shaking. He shifted in his seat, grabbing Thomas' hand, slowly caressing the back with his thump.

"Tommy ? Are you okay?" he asked in a whisper, mentally slapping himself of course he isn't okay you idiot.

"He's right..." Thomas said, his voice breaking and a sob escaped from his throat.

"What do you mean?" his voice was gentle and soft.

"You deserve better then me. I'm worthless, what would you want with me if you could get so much better." tears were rolling down his face as he looked up to meet Newt's gaze.

Newt swallowed, pushing back his own tears. "No, no don't say that! Don't listen to him, you're not worthless! you're not a waste of space or a piece of shit! you're wonderful Tommy, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're.." Newt swallowed again. "You're my first love. You mean so much to me, I, I want to see and do everything with you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to make you happy, Tommy, cause you're so gorgeous when you smile. You never deserved any of the crap your father gave you. You're amazing, you're perfect you're everything I ever wanted and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"

He stared at Newt in awe before reaching out, taking his face between his hands and kissing him passionately. Newt hissed at the pain but was about to kiss him back when the other broke away.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about that... we should go to your house so I can take care of that...a-are your parents home ?"

"Yes, Thomas, I want you to stay at my house tonight."

He looked at him surprised before shaking his head.

"Tommy, please, I'm not letting you go back there he's probably furious, he'll hurt you."

"I can handle it." he said stiffly.

"No. You're not gonna do this again, because of him. You're not going to shut me out, we've come this far, please don't back down again."

He sighed, squeezing Newt's hand. "I'm sorry...," he swallowed.

"Let's go home." Newt said as they broke apart.

He smiled, nodding and starting the car again.


Well I would say I'm sorry but I'm not so hehe, hope you enjoyed it guys! let me know what you thought 

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