Only The Gulity

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Kenya POV-

"NFL star Odell Beckham Jr was arrested on yesterday for battery and attempted sexual assault. His accuser who was hired to care for Beckham's daughter, said she feared for her life, but she fought back as her deceased father always taught her." The news caster said.

The video went to Cristiana inside her apartment.

"Sorry." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "I asked for a ride home. That's all  I wanted and then, as I was about to get out, he asked if I could come up. I told him no, that he was married and that I respected his wife too much. That's when he grabbed me and tried to sexually assault me. But I just thought about my Papa. And I fought back. As hard as I could. And he hit me really bad." She showed the bruises on her face and arms.

"But I managed to get out and away. Papa you raised a fighter and don't think I will ever stop fighting."

I cut it off.

"I don't believe O would do something like that." Shep said. He came over this morning to check on me and Livy. "I've been around him a while, I know one thing he respects you and Livy.
He would never do anything to jeopardize his relationship to yall." 

"I asked him did something happen Shep, he told me no."

"He probably didn't want to worry you."

"Worry me? When three officers came to my house and arrested him and could have possibly harmed my daughter." I yelled. "My daughter was screaming Shep. They had guns. They ..." I felt my eyes tear up. 

"I just don't know what to believe. If he didn't do anything why would he not just say that. Huh? Why wouldn't he just say K I did nothing. He'a always telling me about telling the fucking truth, but he didn't." I yelled.

"K calm down. It could have been a lot of reasons. None of which, I think its because he did anything."

"Shep, this entire relationship he walks around like perfect patty. Like I am always the one in the wrong. I am always doing something. I am this and I am that. And now we see he's not so perfect after all. You wanna know why he didn't say anything, because he did something. What, I don't know, but something."

Shep put his hands in praying position and rested his chin on them.

The phone rang. I picked up. "You have a collect call from...Odell. Do you accept this call?" I gave my phone to Shep. "Talk to him because I can't right now." and I went upstairs to check on Livy.

After being up all night and trying to calm her. I had finally got her to sleep. I went into her nursery, she was still sound asleep.

"He said he wants to talk to you." Shep handed me the phone.

I looked at it, then picked it up.

"What?" I said dryly.

"They won't have my bond hearing for another day. So I'm stuck in here. But I need to hear your voice baby. Tell me its gone be alright and we'll get through it, like after I got injured in the big game." I heard him sniff, which let me know he was either crying or had been crying. "I need my wife right now."

"You lied to me Odell. I have nothing to say." I hung up.

Shep stood at the door shaking his head.

" i do not want to wake Livy. Please watch her until I get back."

I walked passed him downstairs and out the house.


"Kenya." Cris broke down hysterically in my arms when I closed the door. "I didn't want to go to the police. I didn't want to get you or Livy involved, but I had to."

"Its okay." I wrapped my arms around her.

We sat on her couch.

"Let me see the bruising?"

She showed me her face and arms.

"I was nothing but respectful of you and your home."

"I know Cris."

"I don't know what I did to deserve this."

I sighed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"He seemed like such a great man."

"He had us all fooled." I said.

My heart was entirely  broken.

I wanted to believe my husband in this situation, but too often when things like this happen, we automatically take the man's side because he's famous or good looking.

One cannot forget Darren Sharper. An NFL star who had it all. Looks, money, talent, an NFL career most envy.  He had dated all the beautiful women from Gabrielle Union to Claudia Jordan. Women would freely give Darren the box.

Yet with all those things, he raped 16 different women

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Yet with all those things, he raped 16 different women. Nobody could believe it. He wouldn't do that, they said. Then the truth came to light.

True story btw.

I just don't want to assume wrong doing is above Odell because its not. And the guilt I would feel automatically coming to his defense, if he really did it. Especially when he lied. Especially when I gave him the opportunity to tell me the truth when he didn't.

Who withholds the truth--only the guilty.

O was guilty of something, otherwise he would have spoke up.

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