Chapter 19

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 I was immediately assaulted by Matt’s addictive cologne as he caught me, sliding one of his arms under my knees while the other encircled my shoulders protectively.

“I’ve got you.” He whispered in my ear sending shivers all over me. “Close your eyes, please.”

Don’t ask me why, but I did, and I kept them shut until he allowed me to open them again.

We were in the hall.

It all came back crashing down on me at once.

I motioned for him to let me go. He resisted at first but when he saw my face, he put me back on my feet.

I instantly ran to his room, slammed the bathroom door open and emptied the meagre content of my stomach.

My body seemed to be rejecting everything Nick and Mr. Crane had just thrown at me as I dry-heaved for what seemed like forever.

The boys were soon alerted and they all stood behind us, arguing over the best course of action.

“Matt.” Nate finally said. “Just hug her or something. She’s having a panic attack.”

“This is so fucked up…” He growled, his voice raspier than usual. “They gave her the linker/betrothed speech… she is convinced we’re a fucking sect.”

I heard a loud bang. He must have punched something.

“Come on, Matt. It’s not going to help…” Dean tried to talk some sense into his friend.

 “I just want to die” I suddenly stood up. “Can’t one of you kill me? I bet you have lots of weapons hidden around the house. You could say it was an accident or something…”

I didn’t see Nate’s hand but flipping heck, did it sting!

No longer dry-heaving or feeling dizzy, I was staring at him, open-mouthed.

“You’ve just slapped me…” I stated, still in shock.

“Yeah, I certainly have.” Nate answered angrily. “And I will again, if you don’t stop your bullshit!” He added.

My bullshit?!” I shouted.

I couldn’t believe it! The guy had some nerves!

My bullshit?!”  I repeated before walking until my face was only inches away from his.

I poked him hard in the chest.

“I’ve just learnt that my whole life was based on all these lies, that my family belonged to this weird old-fashioned sect, that I was expected to have sex with my long lost love, Mattie… The boy I chose to be mine at the wise age of six… And now you’re saying I’m bullshitting?!”  I poked him again.

He burst out laughing.

The fucker freaking burst of laughing.

I could have killed him. I could have fucking murdered him right there!

I chose to slap him back.

With all my force.

He stopped laughing, then.

“I deserved that I guess.” He finally said while rubbing the red mark I’d left on his face.

“That and more.” Matt growled.

“Matt,” Dean held him back. “Nate’s just snapped her out of her panic attack.”

“He fucking slapped her…” He shouted.

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