The Lost Princess Of Mirkwood (LOTR Fan-fic)

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"Vanya" Legolas called. The little girl turned and looked at her brother smiling and giggling, ran towards him and hugged him. She was only the age of 5. While her brother was 924 years old. Legolas picked her up and smiled at her. Vanya smiled back. "Vanya do you want to go out to the forest with me today and watch me shoot some arrows?" Legolas asked her smiling. The little girl smiled and nodded very eager.

Legolas carried her with him and went outside into the forest caring a bow in his hand and arrows in his qwiver thats strapped on his back. He sat her down on a log and pulled back an arrow and releasing it shooting a tree. Vanya smiled and giggled then clapped for her older brother. But then she stopped and turned her head and looked at a bush that was moving a bit and she heard a growl.Suddenly a Wargs with Goblins ontop of them jumped out and started to attack. Legolas quickly picked up Vanya and started to run back to Mirkwood running fast as he can to get to safety. But as he was running he tripped and fell dropping Vanya in front of him. The Goblins quickly and one of them picked Vanya up and riding off. There were 2 more there about to kill Legolas when he quickly got up and shot them with his arrows. His eye widened when he realised that one has gotten away taking his little sister also. He got up and ran back to Mirkwood and rushed inside to the throne room were is father, Thranduil was. "Father!" Legolas called out breathless from running. Thranduil looked stood up "What is wrong?" He asked Concern.

"Vanya was taken! By Goblins!" 

Thranduil eyes widened and he called guards to go on a search for the goblin who got away with Vanya. "How did this happen?" Thranduil said to Legolas when the guards left. "They attacked us in the forest.." Legolas stated. Thranduil sighed and looked up and Legolas. "You should of never went alone with her in the forest in the first place.."

"I know...Im sorry.."Legolas said looking down.

Thranduil looked at Legolas once more and spoke. "Go to your room..." Legolas nodded and went to his room feeling it was all his fault that his sister was gone.


The Goblin road off holding the elf princess as he traveled back to his kingdom where the goblins live. As he was traveling he met up with unwanted company...Humans...The humans were armed with weapons and saw him and went to attack. One of the men had a bow and shot The warg making the goblin fall and tumble but still holding the child. Another one of the men saw the child in his arms And was confused of why he has taken a child. The man quickly though it was a human child because they couldn't see Vanya's ears at the time. They ran up towards the goblin and attacked it, stabbing it in the stomach killing goblin. A man with brownish/blond hair and blue eyes picked up the child and saw her elf ears. He was taken aback at first because he didn't know it was an elf. He looked at the elf child and smiled deciding it was best to keep her and take care of her. The other men agreed and they hurried back to there home of Esgaroth. When they arrived back The men went there separate ways back to there homes. When the man with Vanya got home he was greeted by his wife. "Welcome back Lucas how was the Hunt today?" The woman said to the man who must be named Lucas. Lucas smiled at his wife. "it went well today Elizabeth, but we ran into a goblin with a child....and elf child...." Lucas walked over and showed his wife, Elizabeth the infant. She looked at the child and smiled. "Why hello there little one." She said and Vanya giggled. Lucas looked at Elizabeth "Darling....Should we keep her..? and raise her..?" Elizabeth looked up at him and back down at the child. "I think we should...what shall we call her?" Lucas thought for a moment and smiled. "We can call her...May."


Hey guys! The Picture on the side is what Lucas looks like! (Yes i made him Tom Hiddleston proceed with the fangirling...) So yeah hope you guys enjoy the book! >:D


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