Chapter 6

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Gonna call May bye Vanya her real name now because she knows shes Vanya :)



Vanya's POV 

A huge smile spread across my face and i hugged Legolas tight. A brother....i have a brother....and my dads the king of Mirkwood...This is as just to good to be true! ", no, no ,no..." Mom said looking angry as she grabed me and held me back from Legolas. "I said you cant take her leave!" She screamed at Legolas. "But shes My sister and i will take her if I please!" He shouted back. "oh but legolas this isn't your have no right to take her out...." My mom said grinning. Legolas clenched his fist. "I will be back for her....that's a promise..." He said walking out. I watch him go and i frowned looking at my mom. She looked at me and saw the bow and quiver and grabbed them from me. "What are you doing!?" I said loudly following her. She didn't reply. She stopped in front of a fire place and tossed the beautiful wooden bow inside with the quiver burning them. "No!" I scream rushing towards the fire place when she grabbed me holding me back. "You are my daughter weather you like it or not!" He roared at me. I forced myself out of her grip and ran up to my room. I slid the necklace on and looked out the window. I saw legolas on the boat and he turned and looked at me smiling slightly. I smiled back and waved and then he waved as he sailed off. I was so angry at my so called Mother to the point i never want to see her again. I frowned and turned to look over at my bedside with a dead flower in a pot. I sat on the bed and looked at it and gently touched it with my finger tips. Right when i did the flower bloomed and came back to life. My eyes widen as i jumped back, surprised. Did....did i just bring back a plant? I thought to myself looking down at my hands. 

I stood up and walked back to the window and pried it open. I was up to high to jump down so i placed my hand on the ledge of my window as strings of plants tied together like a rope. I smiled, I didn't know i had the power of life at my finger tips. Then again...who did know? I sat on the ledge of the window and grabbed onto the vine i created and started to slide down it till i fell to the ground. I sat up and looked over to see one of my old dad's swords that he use to train with. I lifted myself off the ground and grabbed it knowing I'm going to need it later. I started to run holding the sword in my grasp to the docks when i saw a man with cargo full of barrels a fish come into town. "Sir! i called running up to him"

"Yes what is it?" He asked looking at me. "I was wondering if i could have a ride to mirkwood."

"No im sorry im far to busy....." He said.

"Please sir i really-" I then saw one of the barrels move and fall over and spilled fish on the ground but not only a fish....but a Hobbit also. The other barrels tipped over soon enough and there were then many dwarfs with him.

"Damn it..." The man mumbled under his breath. The hobbit looked up at me and his eyes widened. "An elf?" He asked.

"Yeah....My names Ma- I mean...Vanya...whats yours?" I asked holding my hand out to him and he grabbed it and pulled himself off the ground.

"Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins."


And heres where the dwarfs and bilbo come into the story! :D i hope you enjoyed it so far more coming soon!


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