chapter 19

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So there was a glitch in the system. It was just you comforting dark and going to the asylum so dont worry. It might be confusing at first....


Dark, host and I teleported in the house. I plopped on the bed "I'm pooped" I said and took a nap for a while

*Dark p.o.v.*

I saw that y/n has gone too sleep on the couch. Host sat down on the kitchen table. "Would you like to eat anything?" I asked host

"S-sure" he shivered, which was strange cuz it was fairly warm in here. Probobly not used to the outside, not yet at least. "What do you have?"

"Would you like a sandwich?" I asked

" does it have meat?" he looked starved

"Yeah it does, don't worry its delicious" i started gathering the ingredients for the sandwich and figured that I might a well make one for anti knowing that he'll be back starving and y/n would wake up hungry.

"Here you go host" i put the sandwich in front of him. "Bonapitet." He inspected it then took a bite. I went back to the counter and put away the bread, mustard, etc. I put the food in tiny zip block bags and put them In the fridge.

I turned back to host who was finished with his food. I ran upstairs to grab clothing knowing that he could be comfortable in those clothes instead of the ones that hes used for  the longest time. "Here" I saw that host flinched at the sound "sorry" i whisper

"What's this for?" Host asked

"It's for you too shower and get yourself cleaned" I said putting the clothes closer to him "let me show you where the bathroom is"

*y/n p.o.v.*

I heared dark talking to host. I yawned and looked into the fridge. I heard dark coming into the living room. "Hey where's host" i ask yawning.

"He's taking a shower" he fixed the pillows on the couch. "The sandwich in the fridge for you"

"Oh thanks" i grab it and start eating. There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I yell running towards the door.

"Hi y/n" it was anti "is dark home?"

"Yeah come in" I open the door wider and gesture towards the living room.

I start running up stairs to where dark is at. "Hey dark! Anti's home"

"Ok tell him that there's a sandwich in the fridge" I nod and head downstairs

I'm guessing anti already found the sandwich because he was on the kitchen table with a cup of juice, "Hey this was mine right?" He said taking another bite. I nod and started watching f/s <--favoret show.

Sorry for the boring chapter ☺😅

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