chapter 20 - ending

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i was watching my f/s hwhen mark came to the kitchen and got a drink of water, i was the one who broke the silence "so how's host?"

dark responded "he's good, he is just taking a shower" he finished the cup of water. 

"Oh Dark..." anti said with a mouth full of food. Turns out he took two bites and then just stuffed the rest in all at once. for some...strange reason. He tried to talk but it was just gross.

Anti finnally finnished the sandwich, i just walked past them and got my food. There  was one for me in the fridge. i grabed it and some milk and started watching my f/sh. i saw that host had come down stares. he had a fresh bandage full of fresh blood on it. i always wondered how he could see. Welp, he pretty much IS a hecking demon. so he has his ways i guess. Isn't it weird how Dark and Host are from one person and are just like clones? i completely drifted off into my thoughts when i noticed that i had food in my mouth slowly chewing while i was staring at dark, he was calling my name 

"Hellooo?? Youu home?" He waved his hand in my face

"Yea-" fuck i choked! "Yeah im..good" i coughed through my words. I drank my milk "whats up?"

"Well i was asking if you wanted to get some moooooree foood..." he looked embarrassed.

"Sure dark i can go for some food right now!" I smiled and brabbed the keys to the car. We could fly but whats the fun in that.


"So...y/n i wanted to ask you," he hesated, " you... want to get?" He rushed through his words, "okay you know what, i kind of wanted to talk to you."

"Aahh so thats why, it was so sudden i was confused, i mean i was down for food but it was strange" we were at a stop light

"um i know, this is gonna seem childish and all..." he sighed "but i wanted to tell you that you're a pretty great person..and well..."

I heard the honking of a truck. I looked to my left there was a semi truck barreling towards us.


I woke up to a crappy head ache and i was upside down. i looked to my right and no one was there. My ear was ringing, i couldn't feel my legs, sirens surrounded me i could hear people screeming medics.

I felt dissy so my vision faded in and out. i could hear the fire men trying to pry open the door for me to get out. My vision became a blurr the ringing became louder

I tried to scream for help "dark" i managed to get out. My throat was dry from all the blood. I could taste it. Until my vision faded out completely.


Im gonna end this here >:] ♡♡but if you like either antisepticeye go read my book "the lonely girl" and if you like Lgbt related stories please go read a book im gonna start called "in my dreams" ♡[shitty ending i know ;)]


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