193 26 11

The countdown begins..... 

Q: What are your thoughts towards Brice?


It was becoming an unhealthy habit, we were the unhealthy ones, and the things we do in the hotel room are the habits.

It started out at some morning, the morning after the party, where both of us are sober enough to know what's happening.

Then he called me that night to talk, which obviously lead to something more, something more illegal.

We both promised each other that would be the last time, but it didn't really happen.

We became friends with benefits,
We became misfits

I became a cheater,
he became a cheater

He turned into an asshole,
I turned into a whore

I became his lover,
he became mine

And the only ones who knows it was us ourselves, we were the only ones who knew about it.

And it's amazing how it lasted for 5 months without anyone knowing, no one throwing us questionable stares, no one knows.

And tonight is one of those nights again, probably.

For tonight's Smackdown Live, we were going to continue the rivalry between the female samoans and us

Sasha, Charlotte and Bayley got drafted to RAW after losing a match at Survivor Series which leads them handling the RAW division while we handle ours.

While tying my laces up, Naomi, who was the last person with me on the locker room, went out after telling me that she'd be with the girls at the cafeteria.

I stood up and reached for the hand wraps, which was on the top of my locker. While I was reaching for it, the door opened, then after a few seconds, closed, followed by the lock.

"Hey, I thought you'd be with them?" I asked then turn around to face who I thought was Naomi "Allen hey" I greeted him, not really coming out as enthusiastic.

He opened his arms for me while I walked towards him. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms to his neck, pulling him closer to me then kissed him on my tiptoes "Everything's alright?" I asked and pushed his hair away from his face

His face was a little drained out, but hearing he was training a few of the people at it gets the best of you really

"Nah, just missed you" He said then his hands went to my waist

"You don't look right, are you sure?" I asked again, my hands going to his cheeks to cup it. Instead of a verbal answer, he buried his face to my shoulder and hmmed for an answer "Alright then"

He lifted his head few seconds later and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knock "Wait-"

"No" he said and pulled me to him, grabbing my wrist as he tugged me back, his voice in a whisper "Just join with me on this one alright?"

With a confused look, I was supposed to say something but the door opened "Yeah, doing great. Can I have some of your tape? I lost mine, probably last night" Allen said, his voice turning into his normal ones.

We both turn around and saw Wendy, and all of their kids "Hey guys" Allen greeted them casually.

His little angel ran towards him and I smiled at Wendy "Brice, how are you?" Wendy greeted me with the most sincere and sweetest smile

I walked towards her and gave her a hug "I'm doing fine, nice seeing you here!" I greeted, trying to match her enthusiasm as well

"Well, since you're here at Florida, we decided to pay a visit and watch live. I'm sorry for barging in by the way, the kids opened the door way to excitedly" Wendy said, walking towards Allen at the process.

I turn towards them and smiled "No worries. People barging into my room excitedly is nothing new" I said and Allen shifted uncomfortably, Wendy giving me a confused look "Mees and Greet" I added, just to justify more of it.

Allen had his arms wrapped around her waist, Wendy doing the same.

While they were talking to each other, Allen's little angel started tugging on my hands, Anney

I crouched down and picked her up "Hello you, your name is Anney right?" I asked her.

She nodded as her little arms wrapped around my neck "Can I tell you a secret?" she whispered all so sweetly towards me.

I nodded as the side of my head was very close to her "Daddy is not my favorite really, it's you" she whispered again and when we pulled back, she chuckled which made me giggled.

"Sshhh" she said and put her finger against her lips "Don't tell him"

"Don't worry, I won't" I said with a reassuring smile.

While we were talking with each other, a stage head interrupted us by a knock on the door "Brice, your up in 10 minutes. We need you by the gorilla now" he said and immediately left.

I turned towards them and put Anney down, kissing her forehead at the process "I'll see you later bud" I said, followed by messing her hair up.

I stood up straight, took my jacket and nodded towards both Allen and Wendy, who returned the gesture.

I sprinted towards the gorilla and by the time I get there, I saw them counting down by 10 "Hey guys, I haven't seen you since last night. What have you been up too?"





"Business, what are you now?"




1... and Go

I walked the first one out of all of us and grabbed the mic on the process, climbing into the ropes when I reach there.

I waited for the crowd to lower down and when they did, I raised my mic to my lips and begin to talk "I don't do greetings" I started off

"I just wanna address the fact that last month ago, a make believe team tried taking us down. A bunch of corporate suckups who wanted sunshine to themselves. Well guess what? We took 'em down." I said in a teasing tone as the crowd boos

"We have them scurrying back to Hollywood, RAW and Naomi is the only one left remains here at the land of the predators. But, she now turned into a prey."

"So now, what makes us better you ask? Gold around our waist" And after I said that, Hunter's theme played as we all faced him

"Look at you, all grown and matured" He said with a chuckle, one hand on the mic, one tucked in gis pants "You want Gold around your waist?"

"WE want gold" I stated, more like correcting him honestly

"Sure, sure. I just want to know one thing, are you ready?" he asked, stopping in the middle of the ramp to face me, and the entire group

"What-" and I felt the end of the mic crash into the back of my skull.

I tried blocking them but they pulled me up and did all their finishers on me, standing and preying on my lifeless body after, like they're some kind of vultures.

"Fine, we negotiated this already anyway. 6 womans ladder match, for the vacated Smackdown Womans Title next week, at Survivor Series"



I'm sorry for this chapter, I know it's trash 😂😂😂

Anyways, ready your questions since it's my tradition to do Q&A's before posting the epilogue

Kkkk, byeee ~R

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