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Did you know:

-I originally didn't planned it to be a AJxFinnxOC. I really put my sights on only making it AJ, but I wanted more twist (of fate. Sorry, I still have some hangover)

-I had Three choices for the epilogue, Brice getting inducted to the Hall of Fame, Brice inducting Hunter into the HoF and the original one. I decided to go with that because it shows more of Brice's inside life

-Chapter 29 (Mania) It was supposed to be Brice on a panel with Naomi, Charlotte, Kevin and Randy. A Q&A panel but I scraped it off because I want to expose the relationship between Hunter and Brice more.

-I actually planned to have Young Bucks and Kenny Omega coming here at WWE to help out Brice (Because Brice is their 'princess')

-They would help out Brice from the ladder match for the woman's title (against her old teammates) But I decided not to do it because there would be another sub plot and more characters.

Other Details:

"Whatever happens, our family will always be there for us. Whatever other people calls us, they'd still be there"

Part One- Steph helping Brice. Even though Brice never respected her

Part Two- Hunter being Brice's shoulder to cry on after everything

This story isn't just about love life, more reading and see it also revolves around family

Chapter 29, the reason it was all 3 was because 3 is the finished date, and a very memorable thing happened at 3.

Daughters Names:
Larken Raelyn Devitt (2 years older)
Serafina Siera Devitt


1.) Why not a trilogy?
-Part one revolves around Brice being blind and wanting what she can't have. Part Two revolves around Brice still wanting what she can never have, but realizing what she REALLY wanted.

2.) What happens to the kids?
-That is up to you to imagine. They could be a model, actress, wrestler, etc. It's what you want to think

3.) What's next for you?

) What's next for you?

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This guy right here.

Next project: Saint Falcon (UFC)
Start: April 10, 2017 (But prologue published)

Alright! Thank you so much for all your support, I can't express my gratitude to you more than words, I'm out of words.

I love you guys, thanks for everything ~R

I love you guys, thanks for everything ~R

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