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I lost my map a long time ago

And my compass no longer points north

Now south is the only direction I go

And every path doesn't let me go forth

I'm always walking uphill

But the further I walk the taller it gets

Like somehow I'm standing still

And I'm walking more but moving less

With every step I take I get further from the destination

And somehow everyone else already seems to be there

I'm slowly running out of motivation

And every path I take gets me nowhere

I'm getting closer to the beginning

The end is nowhere to be seen

Even though I'm sprinting

I find myself going back over paths I've already been

I'm stuck in a world that's been turned upside down

A world that everyone else seems to understand

I'm in a place where reality is nowhere to be found

And every time I try to find my way out, my path seems to expand

I'm a lost traveller that can't find her way

No one will tell me where to go

My compass keeps leading me astray

And the faster I run the slower I go

But all it takes is one right turn

For you to find your way

Because if we don't make mistakes we never learn

And now the destination doesn't seem so far away

And because of that I no longer get lost

Losing my way is now my motivation

And there's no path I haven't crossed

Because getting lost was how I found my destination

Although our paths can be misleading

There's one good thing about getting led astray

We don't find success from always succeeding

Sometimes we need to get lost to find our way

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