Shot 1

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Radhika's POV

On that afternoon, driving up the spiraling ramp connecting the basement car park to the exit, I lost my new found confidence as a driver. It was my first time driving up a steep incline. The problem wasn't much of inclination but the car who stopped abruptly before me. Damn!! I cursed and applied the brakes..

The car in front of me began moving when it halted again a few feet ahead. I tried the same but I failed miserably and as I realized the brakes to press accelerator, my car began rolling back. Immediately I applied the brakes to stop the car..HUshhhh!!!

I realized this is going to be tricky. You need to be quick with whole shifting from brakes to accelerator thing..I told myself..

With my every attempts to go up, my car was rolling behind..God this race against Gravity..!!!

A sheer fear heats me when another car come to halt behind me..OHHH GODDDD!! NO...This couldn't happen with me.

When the car in front of me moved world behind me expected me to do exactly the same. But I was on slope. On a spiral slope of mall basement.

Mother earth..swallow me!!

Suddenly car behind me honked. And then there were a few more honks, one after another. In rear view I can see trail of car behind me...Shit!!!

Its time....You can do it Radhika...!!!

My figures were trembling in fear while my palms sweating badly. I felt sick. I wanted this over.

"I have to do it......I HAVE TO DO IT..." I motivated myself repeatedly..BREATH IN AND OUT.

And then to my car "Okay clutch done...Now, first"

"Ganesha....bacchaaa lena....(It's now up to you, GOD....) I promise I will give garland of 21 coconut at heel temple....."

And then I let go...

Two sec later I felt the thud...BANGGGGGG!!!!The front of the car behind me was dented, it's number plate bent.

And guess what? It had a temporary hand written number on it and it white, pearl finished body was glowing under the ramp lights which clearly indicate it was brand NEW CAR...

Even the Ganesha had not saved me....


"W-H-A-T? You rolled back into a brand new car?? " Sam appeared to be shock before she burst into round of laughter. She was amused listening my ordeal from day before yesterday. I wasn't sure if she was laughing on situation or at me. I stayed quite; when she noticed my sad face she stopped laughing.

"Oh Darling, I was just imagining the whole scene...." She said grinning and trying hard to control her laughter as she adjusted the hem of her towel she was wrapped in.

The two of us were in the steam room of gym.

Sam aka Samaira was my best friend from childhood. She is bold and beautiful. I really admire her as she carry herself..her attitude..she is fearless what her heart wants. Do what as her MAnmarziya told her...She is the co-owner of Bird song with her boy friend Neil...On other hand I'm simple girl having very low confidence. I always stayed under orders by my family. Ever since college days I know I fated for arrenge marriage..there is no love in my life.

My family is rich but conservative one where chances of love happening were zero. I didn't stayed in hostel. I couldn't travel in buses or local trains. Neither had I seated at the back seat of bikes holding on tightly to guys and didn't caring about rest of world around.... In my life was driver and luxury car that would drive me to college and back home. My weekends were spent with family watching movie on home theatre. I was away from fun weekends. I was different from other girls in class..Boring one...

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