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Hello Everyone!!

Sorry for coming late, as my lappy fell ill..lol.

So i'm not blabbering much...

Happy reading..


Happiness had come sailing into my life..With every sunrise, I had begun looking forward to an exciting new day..In fact the anticipation would begin in the night itself, when I prepared for sleep. I would close my eyes with the happy realization that when I would open them again, it would be a new day, which would present me with a new opportunity to meet him. I don't exactly remember the last time in life when I had looked forward to a new day.

But then this happiness too wasn't absolute. Soaked in the guilt, at times I would have to tell a lie, at times, I would only need to conceal the truth.. Either way, it didn't feel right. Comparatively, telling a lie felt more wrong than hiding the truth. But either case, it felt wrong. The price of overlooking my conscience was heavy and yet I pay it.

I had begun to make up excuses to meet Arjun. We talked beyond gym hours and on rare occasions I even met him on the days he didn't train me..there were plenty of stores in the mall with the gym. I could plan enough reasons to visit the mall and plan bumping on Arjun. The thrilling attention that I received in return from Young handsome guy was worth all the efforts.

I began to take safety measures that no body could caught me. The notification display of my WhatsApp was turned OFF. The chat history between Arjun and me was regularly deleted so that the phone carried just the suitable transaction of messages between trainer and his client.

Not that the conversation that got deleted were dirty or sexual in any manner....we were still far from it...but they were definitely flirtatious, or at least I felt so, given the context of my own feelings..

Often lying on my bed, with my eyes shut, I had begun to imagine him in more intimate ways than I had ever done in the days before. I started to blush from such things. Yet , all this while , I knew this was only temporary..that sooner or later it will end..it has to END!! But then I was that bird who escaped the cage for limited time.

I wanted to sail high and fast for I knew the moment I touched the ground, I would be caged again..

But I wanted to break those society handcuffs which are only claimed for girls...I wanted to be like those girls who never cared about what other thinks about them but their own heart.

Let me have my share of light..Let me live my life a little...Let me feel that Sunshine...Let me feel That Rain...Let me be myself....

I thought to myself to drown the guilt.

In my mind, it was beginning of an affair between Arjun and me , Yet, neither of us had confessed of it to each other. Perhaps, we never felt the need to even talk about it.. Perhaps, discussing it would have made us step back. So we proceeded, naturally, relying upon the intangibles than the looking for tangibles evidence to verfy anything.

None of us crossed the very evident but invisible physical lines...we never kissed, we never touched each other the way that it would make us take responsibility for our action..

It was silent affair between our thoughts, our minds and our hearts..

The words never direct . they always implied something touching and it was left to the other person to interpret it..

Just like the other day when he said --- I like your type.. on certain occasions, the smileys did the job wonderfully of conveying the unsaid.

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