It's Here

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AN: This is back to the present time line 9 months have passed.

"Vegeta it's here." (Avoca)

"What's here?" (Vegeta)

"The baby, you idiot." (Avoca)

Vegeta ran down the stairs and picked me up bridal style; opening the door going out side then closing it before flying off towards the hospital, arriving at the hospital we signed in and I got taken to a room. Before long the compressions started this was really painful even for me. Vegeta was stood holding my hand encouraging me to continue, well maybe crushing my hand would be a more accurate.

I finally thought it was over when a baby came out but I was wrong then I realised I was having twins. The compressions continued getting more and more painful finally the other baby came out. It was 1 boy and 1 girl. It was time for the umbilical-chord to be cut once that was over. I saw Vegeta on his phone messaging everyone about what happened and a few minutes later everyone was surrounding the bed.

They were asking lots questions like: "What are they called?" "Are they going to be fighters?" "Were you expecting twins?" extra. "Well first I haven't came up with a name yet and if they want to be fighters they can. Also no I wasn't expecting twins." Then the doctor came in and said: "You should get some rest now and you will be released in about a week. We just need to make record the medical information for the children and check for any illnesses." With that everyone left leaving only me and the babies in the room.

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