The Threat (Part 2)

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Vegeta's POV:

That girl how; how did she beat me so easily? I-I couldn't even land a single hit; I will train and I will beat her even if it's the last thing I do!

"You're still beating yourself up about that?"

With that Avoca snapped me back into reality.

"Come on, we should train. We'll never beat her if we don't do anything about it besides we should tell Goku; I think we'll need everyone we can get."

"We don't need Kakarot or anyone else!"

"Vegeta we do and I know you also know but your pride is stopping you from admitting it."

"Fine, you tell him I'll go train."

Avoca's POV:

I know he's disappointed but still; how could he be in such a bad mood and that's saying something. I guess the best thing to do is leave him alone, well until he's gotten over the fight.

Time Skip:

"Hey Goku I've finally found you."

"Hey, Hoshi what's wrong."

"Well you know how lots of people's energy had just disappeared; Vegeta and I found the reason why?"

"That's great news."

"No it's not someone killed all those people and ... Vegeta decided to challenge them to a fight and she defeated him like she was swatting a fly."

"This person must be super strong."

"Yes they are but don't take it so lightly they only spared Vegeta because he didn't even land a single blow while going all out. Besides I think there was more behind than what anyone would first think about them sparing Vegeta."

"There is, what is it?"

"Well I have 2 theories. The first one is they wanted Vegeta to emotionally suffer about the fight and this will cause him to train more in order to become stronger and be more of a challenge. Or they want us to assemble the earth's strongest so they can slaughter each person individually and make the other's suffer."

"I'll go tell the others you should train and you need to see to your children."

"Yeah your right, thanks Goku."

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