Chapter 16

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Zoe's Pov
Today is the last day of our honeymoon and although it was amazing, I miss my kids. We've talked to them everyday and they're having a great time at Louise's. "should we head out?" Alfie asks me. I nod and begin to walk out of the hotel room. "Well we're here one more day les make the most of it," Alfie says. I nod and we get on the bus to go to universal. "ALFIE LOOK AT THAT!" I yell gesturing to the large roller coaster going straight up and straight down. "Let's ride it," he says and we get in the semi long line. Alfie and I were talking and I heard someone talking with a British accent and I look over to see my friend from uni that I haven't seen in ages. "Marissa?" I say and the girl turns around. "Oh my gosh Zoe!" She says and runs over to hug me. "Haven't seen you since uni! What's going on in your life now?" She asks me. "Well this is Alfie my husband. I loved saying that. And I have 2 kids back in England," I say. "What about you?" I ask her. "I got married a few years ago and hopefully someday we'll add some little ones to the family," she says. "OH! The time capsule we buried, did you open it?" I ask her. "Yeah, it was really a load of bits and bobbins, not really anything exciting," she says and i chuckle. "Oh we're up, it was great seeing you, text me sometime," she says. "I will," I reply as she gets on the ride. "Were you two close?" Alfie asks me. "Yeah, we were best friends in uni," I reply. And we go about our day riding rides and go to sleep that night.

*the next morning*

"Wake up Zoe," Alfie says waking me up. "What time is it?" I say groggily. "5:30, our plane leaves in 2 hours. I nod and get up and begin to get dressed. "Alfie do you have my camera cord?" I tell to him. "Yeah it's in my suitcase I think," he replies back. "Okay," I say back. I finished packing fairly quickly and Alfie surprisingly took longer than me. "Are you almost ready?" I yell. "Yep, I called the uber and they'll be here in 5 minutes," he says as he walks out. "Alright lets go," I say. He nods and we close the hotel door and check out in the lobby.

We just arrived at the airport and we sit by baggage claim waiting for our flight number to be called. "I'm so excited. It feels like forever since we've seen the girls," I say. "I know I miss them loads," he replies. "I think Willa missed you more than me," I say laughing. He smiles and starts to speak but the intercoms cuts him off. "Flight 337 to London Gatwick boarding now," it says. We walk to the plane and begin to board. I fell asleep for about an hour but that wasn't even close to the whole plane ride. Alfie slept the whole ride and I just tossed and turned.

We just got to London and we're driving to Louis's house from the airport once we get our bags. "Found them," Alfie says and points out or bags in baggage claim. We grab our stuff and rush to Louise's.

*knock knock*. Louise opened the door. "Hey guys!," she says and hugs us. "The girls are in Darcy's room," she says. We nod and walk upstairs and open Darcy's room door. "MUMMY DADDY," Lilley and Willa yell and run to us. "I missed you," they say. "Me too baby, me too."
Thanks for reading and for over 500 reads! It means a lot. Again sorry for not posting on Wednesdays I've had a lot of stuff going on but I'm going to really try to update on time! Much love until next time-

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