Chapter 1

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*3 years ago*
Zoe Pov
"C'mon Zo nothing's gonna happen," He said as he began to take off my Shirt.
I had liked him for a long time, but he wasn't available, correction, isn't available.
"Stop, your seeing someone," I say trying to catch my breath.
"So, she won't find out," he says smirking.
And so I didn't stop him, next thing you know we are both undressed and you can guess what happened after that.

*few days later*
I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I had eaten for breakfast. This is the third time today. I sit there trying to think of what I could've eaten to make me sick. Then I remembered.
"Oh my God," is all I can get out before jumping in my car and heading to the drugstore to get 3 tests. I ran home, into the bathroom and took the tests. I swear it was the longest 5 minutes of my life.
Then I saw it. I begin to break down and think who to call.
I get out my phone and decide to ring Joe. He was always the person to call in a crisis.
"Hey z-" he begins.
"I need you to come round now it's an emergency, please don't ask questions just hurry," I choke out.
"Okay, I'll be there in 10" he says. (This is before Zoe moves to Brighton).
In exactly 10 minutes Joe was here and he ran around my apartment until he walked in the bathroom. He looked confused until he saw the tests. He sat down next to mean and I balled for an hour in his arms muttering "what am I gonna do, what am I gonna do."

*9 months later*
The pain is unbearable so I scream and squeeze joes hand as hard as I can. At this point I'm not sure I haven't broken his hand but that is not what I'm worried about at this point.
"It's almost over" my doctor tells me. Next thing I hear is a faint cry. "Baby 1 born 11:48 September 6, 2013. But something was wrong, i was having twins. "Where was my other child" is all I think about before hearing "CODE BLUE CODE BLUE" over the intercom and doctors everywhere.

*1 hour later*
I woke up in my hospital room. But my babies weren't. I pushed the red button on my bed and waited till a doctor came in.
"Miss Sugg I see your awake, I wanted to tell you your children are fine. After your daughter was born, we had to perform an emergency c section on your other daughter born  12:08 September 7, 2013." I feel my eyes start to water up.
"Can I see them?" I ask crying. "Of course."
I get into the nursery to see my kids. The nurse asked me "do you have names picked out?" "Yes, Willa Elizabeth Sugg and Lilley Grace Sugg. The nurse smiled and I want wheeled back to my room where I tried to sleep but all I could think about where my fatherless children.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I will try to update 2-3 times a week but I am a gumnast and I don't have a lot of free time but I will try, please vote/comment on my story and tell me what you think! Much love until next time-

Zalfie | one true loveWhere stories live. Discover now