Chapter 3

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I picked her up and decided to make French toast for the girls. I walked downstairs and Lilley went to the dance room and put on her jazz shoes and twirled around the room while I was cooking. Then I hear a doorbell ring.

I go to answer it as Lilley comes with me, and I couldn't believe who I saw.

*end of flashback*

Zoe's Pov
"Uh Alfie what are you doing here," I ask, embarrassed, terrified, and shocked all at the same time.

"I came by to take you to breakfast," he says confused.

"Mummy who that," Lilley sweetly asked. Alfies eyes practically burst out of his head when she said that. "Sweets this is mummy's friend Alfie," I reply.

"Um, look I can explain if you'll let me. I want to tell you, I've wanted to tell you. I just didn't know how. Can we meet at The Brew around 6 and I can explain," I ask, running my words, hopefully he heard me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you at six," he says with no emotion. "Okay," I respond but he already walked away.

"Ugh what did I do," I think to myself. "Lilley can you go wise your sister and tell her that I'm making breakfast." "Sure mummy." I ring my mum to ask if she an take the girls to dance while I meet with Alfie.

*phone call with mum*
Z=Zoe M=mum

Z-hey mum
M-hi zo
Z-would you mind watching the girls tonight. I have to meet with Alfie. He knows
M-oh, of course I'll pick them up around 5 if that's okay
Z-yeah, thanks so much mum love you
M-no problem and love you too

My mum is on her way so I got the girls ready and I'm gonna pick them up after my talk with Alfie. Once their ready I start to get ready by doing my make up and hair and getting dressed. I decided to wear light wash skinny jeans, a maroon coloured tank, and white sandals (picture at top).

I go downstairs where the girls are watching tv and Willa noticed me. "Mummy why you dressed up," she asked. "I'm going to see a friend, that's why Nana is picking you up, and then I'll come get you tonight when I'm done," I reply.

"Is is that boy that came ove earlier," Lilley chimes in. "Yes" "why don't we have a dad like Darcy does," they ask the question I was dreading most.

"Um, you do have a dad" "REALLY," they both scream.

"Yes really, but he is selfish and only thinks about himself, he missed out on the 2 best things in the world," I say, hoping they'll drop the subject.

"Oh, your the best mummy evor," Willa says. "Yeah," Lilley says. "Awe" I say while hugging them. I hear a knock on the door.

"Okay cmon girls nana is here. I will see you tonight little bugs," I say and they laugh. "Okay, love you mummy," they say, "mommy loves you too.

The girls just left and I realize it's 545 so I should be going. I check myself in the mirror and satisfied as to how I look, I get in my car and drive to meet Alfie.

I pulled in The Brew and Alfie was already here. I walked in and saw Alfie at a small round table so I went and braced myself for the worst.

"Hey Alfie," I say. Get ur Ed around with a hint of a smile. "Hey Zo, you said you wanted to explain." He said, and I began.

"Ok so, 3 years ago I was at a party at Tan and Jim's house and this guy that I liked for a long time was there but had a girlfriend. So I said "we can do this because you are seeing someone." He told me she wouldn't find out so I didn't stop him." By this point I was tearing up. "I called him about a week after and told him and he promised to help me and be with me. Obviously that wasn't true. He knows about the girls but he doesn't want anything to do with them and I was afraid to tell you because the last 2 relationships I've had they left because of them and I was just scared," I say full on crying.

"Girls?," he says confused.

"Twins, Willa and Lilley," I say.

"Ok, you should've told me, I don't know if I can do this," he says as we walks off.

I try everything I can to not break down. I get up and go to pick up the girls.

Alfie's Pov
I'm not sure what to do now, I love Zoe, I wish she told me, but I understand why she was scared. When I left I lolove led back and she was crying. I don't know why I left, that's what she was afraid of. I'm so stupid. I'm going to apologize tonight.

Zoe's Pov
When I get home I see a car in my driveway, Alfie's car.

"Girls can you go inside and out on your pajamas?" "Yes mummy."

I walk to his car and I'm about to speak but he beats me to it. "I'm sorry Zoe, I was just shocked, I'm not leaving, you mean to much to me to let you go that easy, and I look forward to getting to know your kids," he says. I start to tear up, happy tears. "I love you Zoe" "I love you too Alfie."

Thanks so much! I hope you like this story as much as I love writing it. Please vote/comment and tell me what you think! Much love until next time-

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