Reunited with Blaire and Claire

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My heart was beating at a pretty fast rate. I slowly followed them as they made their way towards the dance hall. I hastily ran after them. I can't let them ruin this dance, so many fairies and specialists have been looking forward to this night for a long time. All of a sudden the witches stopped moving. I barely slowed to a complete stop and missed tripping over my own feet. I quickly hid behind a bush once again. All I have to do is catch them by surprise. I began to feel a slight twitch in my nose. Oh no no no this is not good. The itch began to grow stronger. No Serena hold yourself together! You will not sneeze you will not sneeze! My eyes began to water. Don't snee-
Of course. The witches turned around. I got up from behind the bush. Blaire snarled.
"Well well well look who it is."
"Fancy running into you here."
"Well I mean the chances were pretty high considering you are at Alfea the college for fairies. And well, I do happen to be a fairy"
Claire sneered
"You're too late. The spell has already been cast on the punch. As soon as anyone drinks the punch, they will soon find themselves throwing up slugs!"
I had to laugh. Both witches looked at me with distaste.
"What's so funny. All your friends' night is about to take a terrible turn."
I continued laughing.
"You would think witches like you would think of something clever. But slugs? Thats all you got? Nothing like-"
Claire shot a beam of dark energy balls straight towards me. I quickly leaped out of the way. Time to transform!
I quickly transformed and retaliated their attacks.
The blast knocked Claire to the ground. Blaire began to form dark energy from her palms.
I barely dodged the attack but it was still strong enough to knock me to the ground. I got back up only to find Blaire hovering over me. An eerie dark magic was forming from her hands.
"Any last words before I send you into oblivion?"
I didn't have time to think or make a move. My body already began feeling weak from the dark energy sucking the life out of me. My vision began to fade. Before I drifted to complete darkness, I suddenly heard a mans voice appear.
"Blaire. Stop what you're doing. I did not order the both of you to go out. We have more important things to do and discuss. Leave the girl and return immediately."
I heard a grunt of protest but suddenly my body seemed to slowly regain energy. I felt Blaire kick my foot.
"This isn't over yet you weak fairy, I'll end you next time."
And just like that the voices were gone. I tried to move but my head began to pound. Instead I just continued laying on the floor. That man's seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't quite name it. It kind of sounded like Aaron's? No it couldn't be. I couldn't think much longer, my head was throbbing in pain. But a sudden thought hit me. The punch at the dance! I have to get to it before anyone else drinks it! I rushed to get up but only to slight fall back down. My vision began to become blotchy. I slowly got up and began to move towards the dance entrance.  As I neared the door, I felt a warm pair of hands touch my shoulders. I could tell immediately that they belonged to Aaron.
"Serena! Their you are I've been looking all over for you! Where have y-"
"The punch...get the punch...slugs...throw up..."
I fell heavily into Aarons's chest.
"Serena what happened to you?  Are you alright? What's going on?"
"Please Aaron get the punch. I'll explain later. Please go now."
With a look of resentment and hesitation, Aaron left into the dance. He shortly returned with a big bowl of punch.
"Good now throw it away."
"What are you crazy?-"
"Aaron! Just do it trust me!"
Aaron quickly got up and threw the whole bowl away. With a sigh he sat back down on the ground with me.
"Alright care to explain?"
Slowly I felt my vision start to clear and my strength return.
"No not really, it's a long story. Let's go enjoy the dance."
We both got up and headed for the door leading to the dance. A sudden thought popped into my head. I stopped walking for a moment.
"One last question Aaron."
Aaron looked at me with interest.
"Yes Serena?"
"The dance has been going on for an hour now and you just show up now. What were you up to before?"
Aaron shifted his gaze away from mine and laughed hesitantly at the ground.
"I had some business to take care of. Please don't ask why, just please take my word for it."
I sudden pang of sadness and suspicion arose inside me.
"Alright I believe you."
Aaron sighed with relief.
"Good! Now enough talk! Let's go dance!"
And with that we both headed into the mass of dancing fairies and specialists.

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