Heart of Ice

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I felt myself hit the ground hard. My whole back side was starting to freeze into solid ice.

"Serena! Hang in there!"

I saw Aaron ran towards me with a sword in his hands. I looked around and noticed that the rest of the Red Fountain Crew had gotten rid of those ugly monsters.

"I-I can't feel my wings or back!"

"Calm down it's going to be all right. I'll get you out of there. Tristan! Get Saladin and have him contact Mrs. Faragonda. Jason, call the rest of the girls at Alfea. Darien I need you to go and get a blanket and something warm for her to drink. And Luke I need you to stay here with me incase more monsters decide to come back." Everyone listens and obeyed Aaron's orders and hurried off. Soon it was just me, Aaron, and Luke. I began to have a major outbreak of the chills and Aaron noticed. He put his arm around me and started to rub my back. I'm pretty sure the heat on my face alone could have melted the ice right then and there. Luke gave us a weird glare and snorted.

"You just can't keep your hands off of her can you? You'll find every reason to just touch her."

Aaron didn't even look up at Luke while my face still felt hot.

"Shut up you're just jealous. And I'm trying to keep her warm so she doesn't die."


Darien soon returned to break the awkward tension and handed me hot water. Aaron wrapped the blanket around me.


I did the most unexpected thing ever. I dumped it right on top of my head.

Aaron and Darien laughed while Luke looked at me like I was a freak. Maybe I am.

"Sweetheart you're supposed to drink it."

"Oh well it was worth a try."

"Well did it work?"

I tried to move my wings.


I sighed in defeat.

"If I don't get the ice to go away, I'll be a human ice cube!"

Aaron patted my back.

"I won't let that happen."


I turned my head around and saw my one and only crazy blonde friend charging toward me. A little ways behind her I saw Mrs. Faragonda along with a man who I assumed was Mr. Saladin. Iris dropped to my side and started freaking out beside me.


"Iris! Breath!"

Iris took a breath.

"Now chill."

I looked up at Mrs. Faragonda.

"Please Mrs. Faragonda can you help me?"

Mrs. Faragonda knelt by my side and inspected me thoroughly.

"It seems that you have a major condition of frostbite inside of your body starting from your heart. It seems your fingers are starting to get the worst of it already."

I nervously looked down at my own fingers and gasped as little white ice crystals were forming on my skin turning it to solid ice.

"Um how can I stop it from spreading?!"

"The only cure for it is from an ancient pixie spell. It may take some time to find a pixie who is powerful enough to recite-"

Just then my small new familiar blacked haired friend and another pixie who was dressed in an elaborate golden dress and a crown flew through the bushes.

"I think I know just the right pixie to do it"

Throughout all the chaos I hadn't even noticed that V had disappeared. I felt a sudden pang of guilt.

"This is Queen Ninfea."

Mrs Faragonda smiled.

"Of course! I should have known. Your Majesty."

Queen Ninfea flew towards me. She inspected me and then began to chant a spell.

"This heart is like ice,

Let flame pass it twice

Enter the heart,

Innocent and pure

Melt the ice,

And love will endure

Your heart will now renew,

Let the rage of fire fill you"

I felt a tingling sensation through out my body. I felt my body grow warm and suddenly I didn't feel cold anymore.

"Woah she's glowing!"

I looked and sure enough light and flames were surrounding my body. And as soon as is started it was over.

"Thank you so much Queen Ninfea. How can I ever repay you?"

The Queen smiled warmly at me and shook her head.

"There's no need to repay me young fairy. But there might be something else you can do."

Her gaze shifted towards V. Little V was chatting it up with Aaron and by the stubborn look in her eyes and the playful expression on Aaron's face, they were having a great time. Queen Ninfea's eyes softened.

"Veronica is in great danger. I fear a dark presence searching and hunting for her. She is not safe in my presence for I cannot always look after her. With her in the village I fear that she is putting all the other pixies in harms way also."

The Queen turned her attention back towards me.

"I have never seen V talk about somebody so positively before you came along. When she came to find me she had a burning determination in her eyes. I believe that only you could keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe. Can I ask you to do that for me? As to repay me?"

I looked back at V again. How could anybody want to hurt such a little creature like her? I would do anything to protect her.

"Of course I will."

Hey guys sorry for the long update! Please please please keep reading and commenting it makes me happy :)

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