Meeting the Boys

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Oh how much I want to smash that stupid thing to itty bitty pieces. I rolled back under my covers.

"Just 5 more minutes..."

Suddenly somebody jumped right on, top of me.

"Get up Serena!"

I looked groggily up at Iris.

"You're acting like a little kid would on Christmas morning."

She smiled at me and I slowly got up and started getting dressed. I wore short baggy short/sweat things and a loose yoga sweater and wore black high top converse. I applied mascara and pink lip gloss and I grabbed my blueberry muffin as I waited for the other girls. Ivory and Delanie were next and soon were followed by Piper.

"Iris hurry up! This is school not a freaking fashion show!" Delanie yelled through Iris's closed bathroom door.

"Beauty is always first my dear."

I laughed and about 10 minutes later, Iris finally came out in a light blue, off the shoulder crop top with short shorts and blue high tops.

"Can we go now?" Piper rolled her eyes.

School went by pretty fast but nothing really exciting happened. The teachers mainly talked about the rules and what we will be learning through out the year. The highlight so far had probably been in potionology when Piper had screamed because a spider was crawling up her test tube and knocked over her potion on Delanie and for the rest of the day Delanie went around campus with a crazy rainbow colored afro. Ya she hadn't been too happy about that. The girls and I met up around 2:00 back at our dorm.

I laid lazily over the couch as everyone else sat on the chairs like proper people. Delanie rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't they have manners from where you come from."

I glared at her and rolled my eyes and muttered quietly.

"Don't they have kindness from where you come from."

I obviously wasn't quiet enough because I saw Ivory crack a smile.

"Oh my sunshine I almost forgot! We're meeting my brother and his crew today! We're meeting them at Magix in... 30 MINUTES! I STILL NEED TO PICK A NEW OUTFIT AND REDO MY HAIR AND MAKEUP!"

Iris scrambled to her bedroom and went into a frenzy through her closet.


I groaned and went over to my room. I picked out my favorite teal and pink stripped short dress and wore my pink-strapped high heels. (Stella wore the dress in like season 1 or 2) I applied more mascara and pink lipgloss. I walked back out to see an angry Delanie glare. Not surprising anymore to see that face.

"Wow you look fabulous Serena!" Piper smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Iris soon came out in the same thing she wore but with even extra makeup.

"Okie dokie lets get going!"

We arrived at Magix around 2:40. We waited by a turn around circle that had a fountain in the middle and we decided to wait there. No more than 5 minutes later, 5 hover bikes came around the corner, fast. They looped around the circle once and came to a stop right beside us. The first boy in the lead took off his helmet and shook his blonde hair. Small beads of sweat dripped down his face and his baby blue eyes were filled with laughter as he stared at the guy in the hover bike right beside him. Man that guy is beautiful. (Just think of Sky's look in season 5/6 and it's exactly the same)

"Well Tristan it looks like you're second, again!"


Iris screamed and jumped up into the blonde boy's arms. I scratches my head.

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