Blaire and Claire

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His blue eyes studied me for awhile.

"You know, for a princess you seem to have a different mind then the others."

I gulped.

"Is that a bad thing?"

Aaron chuckled.

"Not at all. In fact, it's a really great thing."

I felt my face blush. I finished off my blueberry muffin.

"So do you-"

A sudden bang interrupted my sentence. It was then followed by screams and smoke wafted up in the air down the street.

"Let's go check it out!"

We both ran down the street. Soon, we turned a corner and saw a freaky looking monster-thing. Aaron clicked a pen and it transformed into a sword.

"Serena get behind me."

I slowly backed up behind him.

The monster reared in our direction.

"Alright I'll distract the monster while you run and get the others. Got it?"

I shook my head.

"I can't leave you here! This thing is tearing up everything in sight!"

Aaron smiled.

"I have more battle experience. Now go!"

Aaron started running the opposite direction of the monster.

"Hey ugly look over here!"

Here was the flaw to the plan. The monsters couldn't look away from me and started to advance towards me. I panicked. I knew I couldn't outrun the monster and I didn't know how to transform. Finally the monster stopped in its tracks. Aaron had thrown his sword straight into the monsters back. Finally turning it's attention to Aaron, it swept it's tail under Aaron feet and threw him into a building. I screamed as Aaron's body fell limp. A beam of energy was forming in the monsters mouth. I panicked as I realize the beam was going to hit Aaron.

"Aaron! NO!"

I felt a strange course of energy flow through my body. (Cue Charmix song) As the rush left my body I looked down at myself. I was wearing a short white skirt and a reddish orange bandeau. I wore red heels and my hair was curled and I wore a tiara. My wings were yellow. I gasped. I just transformed! I look like a badass! I looked at the beast.

"Cosmic Moon Power!"

I shot the beast and it exploded into dust. Nice.


I turned around to see that everyone was running towards me.

"What happened?"

"Are you alright?"

"Is Aaron okay?"

"Who sent that monster?"

"OMG you transformed!"

I smiled and then I remembered Aaron.

"Oh no we have to get him back so he can heal!"

Tristan picked Aaron's limp body up and slung him over his shoulder.

"No problemo."

Iris giggled. Ew.

"Well I guess we should all get back now."

We all said our goodbyes and headed back to Alfea.

"So Serena how'd your little date with Aaron go? You guys are both practically drooling over each other!" Piper wiggled her eyebrows and everyone else laughed, well besides Delanie.

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