Arriving at Alfea

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I nervously held my belongings. I walked down the path that lead to Alfea College for Fairies. It was my first day attending and I was super excited...and nervous. My family had high expectations of me. Being the only heir to the Moon Kingdom Throne, I had a lot to worry about. Ever since Solaria split into two separate kingdoms; Solaria which still controlled the sun and Lunaria which controls the moon, things have gotten a lot more hectic. But no body could have done a better job than my parents, King Artemis and Queen Selena. I always doubted myself of becoming a worthy heir after following in there shadows. First I don't even look like them! My dark brown hair was very different from there plain white hair. To be honest, it's different than every other 19 year old who lives in the Moon Kingdom because they all have the same white hair as the moon too! My eyes were also a stunningly lighter shade of blue compared to there dark indigo ones. My mother said it was a mark of unique and exquisite beauty. I don't know what exquisite means but I hope it means something good. Then there's our personality traits to worry about. My parents are highly mindful, proper people that don't even need to try to be graceful. Me? I'm the complete opposite. I trip and fall all over the place and drop almost everything I hold. I also must have like ADHD or something because I can absolutely not sit still (which is rough since I sit on a throne 24 hours a day doing nothing) and I can never remain focus or attention during speeches or lectures (also rough because I never know what's going on). I cleared my thoughts as I nervously looked up at a very cranky looking teacher who I guessed was Mrs. Griselda.
"Name and home planet.
"Um I'm Serena, Princess of the Moon Kingdom."
She wrote something down on her clipboard.
"Your dorm number is 226. Hurry along down and be back in the dining hall at 8:00 for Mrs. Faragonda's speech."
I nodded my head politely and began to walk up the stairs to my dorm. I was excited meeting my new door mates. What were they like? Are they nice, shy, mean? What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm- I shook my head. Stop over thinking everything. I turned down a hall and saw number 226.
"Here goes nothing."
I walked inside my dorm. I saw 4 other girls staring right back at me. A pretty girl with a long, blonde ponytail and blue eyes was the first to speak to me.
"Hey you must be our 5th roommate. I'm Iris. Daughter of Queen Stella and King Brandon of Solaria and I'm a Fairy of the Shining Sun!"
I smiled at her and a girl with long black hair that was up in a messy bun spoke next.
"I'm Piper! I'm from Melody and I'm a Fairy of Music."
The next girl looked a lot calmer and shyer than the others. She had tan skin and her light brown hair was wavy down her back and her bangs were in her face. She spoke with a sweet, soft sounding voice.
"Hi I'm Ivory or Ivy for short... My home planet is Lynphea and I'm a Fairy of Nature."
I looked at the last girl standing in the room. I noticed she was still staring at me the whole time since I came into this room and I began to feel uncomfortable. Her light blue eyes gazed into my my light blue eyes and we both had a stare down.
Iris spoke up.
"Woah! You guys have the exact same eyes and other body features! You guys could be twins except for your hair colors..."
She was right I noticed. The girl had vey bright red hair that flowed to the bottom of her back like mine did except mine was brown. She reminded me of someone very familiar...
"I'm Delanie. Daughter of Queen Bloom and King Sky of Domino. Ya that's right. My mom was the most powerful fairy ever and was the leader of the Winx Club. So that means I'm a powerful fairy too. I'm a Fairy of the Dragon Flame so if I were you, don't mess with me."
I couldn't help myself. I began to laugh and I noticed the other girls began to laugh too.
"Well on that note I'm Serena! I'm the Princess of The Moon Kingdom and I'm a Fairy of the Luminous Moon!"
Iris gave me a confused and hesitant look while Delanies stare was just cold.
"Ugh I'm leaving."
And just like that she left out the door.
"Oh don't mind her she's just a bit of...a control freak. I've known her since we were little kids because of our parents and I know she'll eventually come around. She just feels threatened by you since children from the moon kingdom are pretty rare." Iris said.
"Ya that's true. There hasn't been an actually fairy from there in years! And as a result they usually have some special talent but that's only what the legends say." Piper chimed in.
I snorted. "So she's basically threatened by me because of stupid rumors? That's a joke. She's the freaking daughter of Bloom."
They all shrugged. I quickly set my stuff inside an empty bedroom and walked back outside.
"So girls shall we head out to the dining hall?"
Ivory nodded her head quietly and Iris and Piper both mumbled their 'yes's'.
We all headed towards the dining hall. "Oh by the way, my brother and his Red Fountain crew want to meet us tomorrow night to introduce themselves and show us around Magix. As if we don't already know what they're trying to do." Iris smirked and fluffed her hair. I have a feeling Iris and I are going to get along just fine. Piper smiled.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I bet they're all real cuties."
Iris and I made a gagging sound.
"As if. My brother is such a ladies man it hurts me. Ever single girl falls for him and he never seems to find the 'right one'".
I shrugged
"It's not like it matters. I'm probably going to live alone with like 10 cats or something."
Everyone laughed at my joke as we all entered the dining hall. We found Delanie and sat by her at an empty table. Her eyes and mine met for a second before we both turned our attention towards the front where Mrs. Griselda and Mrs. Faragonda were standing. Mrs. Faragonda's sweet, caring voice broke out throughout the dining hall.
"Welcome all new fairies and returning fairies to Alfea. We are excited for another year of teaching new transformations and such. As usual you will learn how to become a powerful fairy and not just learn about how to use your powers, you will also find many things about yourself too. Now I don't want to bore you all with a long, boring speech so I'll cut this a little short. First, you will receive your schedules on the way out of the dining hall as you return to your dormitories. Second, next Friday, we are hosting the "Welcome" dance that Red Fountain specialists will be attending also." I heard many excited gasps and whispers.
"We asked if Cloudtower would like to join but it's no surprise that they said no. Now you may return to your dormitories if you would like and the staff and I look forward to another great year!"
I heard claps and shouts all over the place. I clapped along with the crowd and looked at my new crew. I could tell we will all be very close together and this will be a really fun school year. I grabbed a blueberry muffin as we were walking on our way out to get our schedules.
"I hope we all get classes together!" Ivory spoke shyly.
"Ya that would be a miracle." Piper mumbled.
I grabbed my schedule from Mrs. Griselda and checked it with the other girls. No freaking way.
We all squeaked and high-fived each other which earned weird looks from other people passing by.
"Ugh this looks dreary. I hate school and learning. The only thing I look forward to is picking out my outfit for the day!" Iris made a face as she looked at her schedule. Delanie laughed.
"You're just like your mother Stella!"
We all laughed as we headed back into our dorm. I sprawled out onto the couch as everyone else sat on a chair in our mini living room. Piper yawned.
"Sorry to be a party pooper but I'm heading to bed. We got a long day tomorrow."
"Ya I'm going to do the same too!" Ivy stretched and yawned in return. They both got up and headed into their own separate rooms. I looked at Iris and Delanie.
"Well i should probably go to bed to. Ya I know, I'm no fun!" I yawned and smiled knowing that was what Iris was going to say.
"Alright see ya tomorrow Serena!"
I walked into my own room. I looked around at my new room that's going to be mine for the next 4 years. I could get used to this. I went to my bed and snuggled under the covers. I closed my eyes and tried to dream about this coming school year. I'm so excited. I fell asleep to the moons light shining in my eyes.

Hi guys! This is my first ever fan fic and I decided to post it! Please read and review and I hope you enjoy! Thanks!

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