Chapter 2: Doomsday and Nutella

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I wake up to the awful sound of my iPhone buzzing with messages.  Honestly, it feels like at the times when I most need sleep, it goes off.

I fumble around, trying to find it. When I finally manage to grab it from my bedside table, I realise I can't see. At all. Ah, the troubles of waking up in the morning. I blink to get the tears and blurriness out of my eyes.

Lilly: morning Em, i can only come on mon and only for a couple of hours. soz, but good luck tho bitchh!

Vi: Sorry can't come. i am not feeling too well. 

 I need to find some better friends. Just like my phone, when I need them most they bail on me.

I attempt to roll out of bed gracefully but (haha always the clumsy one) I fall out right out, awkwardly belly flopping instead. 

Well, so much for wanting to join a ballet class.

Avoiding the pain in my leg from the fall, I stand up with a grunt and start slowly walking to the kitchen. What I really need right now is food, or more specifically a nutella sandwich.

Honestly, just thinking about it makes me feel happy again.

I walk past my brothers room heading to the stairs, and see his door wide open. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit of a noseybody so I can't help it, I just HAVE to look inside. I let out an inaudible sigh when he isn't in. He has probably gone to the shops to get some snacks for when the boys come. Teenage boys, I'm telling you, can eat forever!

For example, yesterday evening when I reached, salivating, for my second piece of pizza, I discover that my brother had finished the whole fucking box we were sharing. The WHOLE thing. 

Oh, the boys! They're coming today, I completely forgot! 

I rush to the window and, just as I suspected, our parent's car isn't parked in the driveway. Doomsday has just begun! Well, at least the boys aren't here yet.

Taking advantage of still being in my brothers room, I decide to do some snooping around. Maybe I'll find my biggest love (aka my laptop) that he stole from me yesterday. Ok, so maybe he didn't exactly steal it, but he totally cheated in that bet we made. 

I bet he's using it to copy my Algebra homework. I'm so stupid. 

Looking for my laptop everywhere I can. I rifle through draws, bed and his cupboards to try and find it.

 Is it invading his privacy? Maybe.  What he doesn't know won't hurt him? Absolutely. 

At this point, I'm literally knee deep in dirty clothes and old smelly socks (gross) and I stumble across a velvet, laced bra. I feel so sorry for whoever owned this, its really pretty and it looks really expensive. Of course, my brother doesn't even have to decency to return this.  

I turn to much left, accidentally pushing aside a dusty pile of books, grinning as I recall how he grudgingly accepted them from his old girlfriend last Christmas. Surprise, surprise! She was single and crying hysterically in the bathroom the next day.

Just then, I find my laptop. Yes, and once again I have succeeded! I walk back to my room doing a little victory dance.  I open my laptop to see what blasphemy he was doing.  

Great. He was watching porn. I close my eyes, muting the tab and frantically try and close the tab. I'm really not a fan of porn and I'd rather not see two naked people fornicating first thing in the morning. And why my laptop? He literally has his own, and an iPad and a phone. Speaking of the devil, I hear the front door shut. 

Closing the laptop, I storm downstairs and into the kitchen. What I really need right now is some sustenance to make up for my shitty morning.

"Brother, dearest? Care to explain why you were watching lesbian porn on MY-"

I stopped short, to find several beautiful faces staring in my direction inquisitively. Yes, just my  luck just to find all the boys already sitting there.

Just imagine a gorilla running into a room full of supermodels. Yep, that's how it happened. I'm in my slightly scanty and old pjs, no makeup (looking like a zombie probably) and my hair's in a bun. But not like a tumblr bun, like a crusty nest.

"Hey, beautiful," one of the hotties say with a wink. My cheeks immediately flushed deep red at the situation. It's, uhh, pretty awkward. 

Let's just hope he doesn't remember what I just said, see what I'm wearing or just frankly notice me. 

"I'm Skye. Skye Reid." The dirty blond guy with (obviously) a perfect shaped body and dreamy turquoise eyes said. 

Yeah, trust me boo, I know already. Who doesn't?

Not replying or acknowledging the situation, I walk over to the counter and start making myself a sandwich. Nutella, of course.

"Ugh hello?" He says again.

I turn around. 

"What?" I say in a curt, annoyed tone.

"Who was watching lesbian porn?" He says with a smirk. Of course.

"My dear brother." They all burst out laughing. I go a little red, then finish making my sandwich and throw the knife into the sink. 

"Well, I'm sure it was good shit. Do you want to play some truth or dare with us?" Skye asks, cocking his head. 

Funny, but there is no way I'll ever play truth or dare with my brother's friends. Bad crowd and all that.

 After giving him what I hoped was a stern look, I decided it would be a good idea to leave immediately.

"Well, bye." I try to say trying to sound remotely peppy and awake.

 I am fully aware that I look like a zombie and also pretty much suck at any sort of communication with this type of male species. Besides, the shower was waiting for me.

"Can I get your name?" he shouted after me before I disappeared around the corner.

From upstairs, I yell down "No!" and left it at that. 

Why did he ask for my name?...Does that mean he wants to get to know me? Like none of the guys at our school ever notice me! He's like quite cute, but he's probably few brain cells and he's a player and yeah, that's never going to happen.  Why am I overthinking this? Am I overthinking this?

Well, whatever his intention, I should probably stop being awkward first. 

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